A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with RJN Group, Inc. for Sewer Inspection Database Support and Development of a Five-Year Sewer Capital Improvement Plan in an Amount not to exceed $141,680, Authorizing its Execution and Waiving the Bidding Process for the Agreement.
The Engineering Division requested a proposal from RJN Group to provide professional services to input data from sewer inspections from the past decade into their sewer asset management system and work with staff to develop a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan based on sewer inspection data. The Engineering Division did not issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for this work as the Village is currently working with RJN Group to use their proprietary sewer asset management software system, Clarity, to manage the Village’s sewer system.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Resolution.
Prior Board Action
• At the November 19, 2024, Village Board meeting, the Village Board approved a Professional Services Agreement with RJN Group, Inc. for Sewer Manhole Inspections and Condition Assessments in an Amount not to exceed $99,100 (RES 24-336).
The Village has approximately 110 miles of sewer mains. The Village annually cleans and inspects a portion of the sewer system to clear debris and blockages from sewers to maintain flow and determine sewer condition. Sewer conditions are scored using an industry-standard system. These conditions and scores are used to help determine future capital improvement projects for sewer replacements, repairs, or rehabilitations.
Currently, the sewer inspection data, videos, and reports are stored on portable hard drives and they are not in a convenient system where videos or reports can be viewed by users without having the hard drive. Also, the sewer condition scores cannot be displayed graphically on a map in order to help determine future CIP projects or develop a 5-year capital improvement plan for sewers.
The work under this agreement includes having the consultant, RJN Group, input historical sewer inspection reports, videos, and scores into an online software system, Clarity, which the Village is using to manage the sewer system assets. RJN will also review the sewer inspection from this past year’s inspection program to determine recommended improvements. Once this information is input into the Clarity system, staff will work with RJN Group to develop a recommended 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan for the sewer system.
The Engineering Division did not issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for this work as the Village is currently working with RJN Group to use their proprietary sewer asset management software system, Clarity, to manage the Village’s sewer system. The Village has previously worked with RJN Group in 2024 to review and input data from sewer inspections in 2023 and 2024 into their Clarity software system which is a cloud-based system for managing sewer assets. The Village is also currently working with RJN Group to inspect sewer manholes and input this information into the Clarity software system.
Timing Considerations
Approval of this Agreement at this time will allow for staff to develop a future 5-year plan for sewer improvements in conjunction with the upcoming FY26 budget process and for developing a water rate study.
Budget Impact
The FY25 Budget includes $150,000 for this work in the Water and Sewer Fund, Sewer Collection, Capital Improvements account no. 5040.43750.781.570707.
Staffing Impact
Having the sewer system readily viewable in the Clarity software system will save staff time for both Engineering and Water and Sewer Division staff and will reduce the hours used for reviewing sewer videos and determining future capital needs on an ongoing basis. It is difficult to estimate the hours saved by using the Clarity software system as it provides access to data to the Water and Sewer Division that previously didn’t previously exist. It is also difficult to estimate the savings in hours associated with the convenience that Clarity offers as compared to the current system, or lack thereof, for managing and working with sewer inspection data as this is core to many engineer’s responsibilities when designing projects and developing long-term capital plans.
DEI Impact
There is no DEI Impact associated with this item as this is a sole source agreement.
Community Input
No Community Input - This is a sole source agreement.
Staff Recommendation
Adopt the Resolution, which will allow for staff to utilize this Clarity software tool and work with RJN Group to manage the sewer system asset.
• This agreement will allow for the procurement of needed services.
• Using sole source procurement for these professional services does not allow for evaluating multiple engineering firms and reviewing their qualifications to determine which firm may be best qualified to perform the services then negotiating a competitive proposal from the most qualified firm.
Alternative 1:
The Board can delay action to gain additional information.
• Board Members would be presented with the additional information they requested.
• The timing of the eventual Board action could impact the desired implementation schedule.
Alternative 2:
The Board can vote down the resolution.
• No Advantages
• Staff will not be able to procure services to input sewer condition information into a usable format to develop a 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan and water rate study.
Anticipated Future Actions
None at this time.
Prepared By: Bill McKenna, Assistant Public Works Director/Village Engineer
Reviewed By: Rob Sproule, Public Works Director
Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager
1. Resolution
2. Professional Services Agreement
3. Proposal