Submitted By
Dr. Theresa Chapple-McGruder, Public Health Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to an Agreement for Public Health Nurse Services with Veronica Stanton, R.N., to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $24,000 to $60,000 and Extend the Term to December 31, 2023, and Authorizing Its Execution
This position is required to perform immunization work as related to the COVID 19 Vaccination Grant approved by the Board on March 20, 2023, including but not limited to COVID-19 clinics, influenza clinics, and vaccines for children, as well as, back-up for communicable disease work required by a certified local health department in Illinois.
Adopt the Resolution.
This position will support the immunization work of the 2023 COVID Vaccine grant including flu, Mpox and all other required immunizations and to provide back-up support for our communicable disease program. The Health Department received a new grant which was approved by the Village Board of Trustees on March 20, 2023 (RES 23-130), this will fulfill the position stated in the COVID 19 Grant. Veronica Stanton, R.N., has done this work previously with the Village and will continue as temporary grant-funded contractor through December 31, 2023.
Fiscal Impact
The services provided under the Public Health Nursing Services Agreement are budgeted and divided between COVID-19 Vaccination Grant/Grant Contractuals (2143.44560.101.530656) (70%, $42,000) and General Revenue Fund 613(Community Health/Nursing) External Support (1001.44550.613.530667) (30%, $18,000). Utilizing the COVID-19 Vaccination grant will save the Village’s general fund an estimated $59,000 in salaries from the Public Health Department, as this grant will offset the salaries of 6 additional employees.
DEI Impact
Extending this contract will allow us to provide immunizations to the community. Some of the immunizations that we will be providing will only be available to those who are from under-represented groups, like those on Medicaid, underinsured, or uninsured; while other vaccinations will be available to all in the community. For those vaccinations that are available to all, we will be increasing our marketing of this service via public transport in an effort to attack those from underrepresented communities.
The Village is a certified public health department and is required to perform this work related to communicable disease control. As noted in the "Background" above, this work could also be performed by a full-time employee
Previous Board Action
The Board of Trustees previously approved a nursing services agreement for Veronica Stanton, R.N.
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities