A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Special Projects Grant Application with the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of Community and Positive Youth Development for Supporting the Cross-Community Climate Collaborative’s Youth Leadership Programming.
The Village of Oak Park received notification of $500,000 in State appropriation funds in FY2025. To accept the appropriations, the Village must submit an FY25 Special Projects Grant Application to the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Office of Community and Positive Youth Development (OCPYD).
Recommended Action
Staff recommends approving the resolution authorizing the Village Manager to submit the Special Projects Grant Application.
Prior Board Action
• On June 21, 2022, the Village Board approved the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cross-Community Climate Collaborative (RES 22-166).
Approval of the Resolution will support the Board Goal "Sustainability & Resiliency Priority 5: Identify Partnerships" which states "Pursue opportunities to collaborate with governmental partners and neighboring jurisdictions (i.e., C4) on strategies that further Climate Ready commitments.
The Village will provide a sub-award to Seven Generations Ahead to manage the program. Funding will support the Cross-Community Climate Collaborative’s (C4) newly developed youth leadership programming, building upon C4 co-directors Seven Generations Ahead (SGA) and partner/subcontractor Urban Efficiency Group (UEG) part-time youth programs. Funding specifically will support the development and implementation of UEG’s Kaleidoscope Model - an eight-week program designed to develop emerging leaders councils which will engage BIPOC/LMI youth in learning about urban sustainability and civic leadership and UEG’s workforce development training for youth in weatherization and energy efficiency. Through SGA’s Oak Park-based It’s Our Future Program, funding will support program expansion including bi-monthly forums; increased outreach to engage more youth; a climate justice youth summit; in-depth learning about local and international climate initiatives; connection to the Kaleidoscope Program; and engagement of youth in school policy implementation (OPRFHS D200; OP Elementary D97) which will collectively impact 9,300 students and the broader Oak Park community.
Timing Considerations
The Special Projects Grant Application is required to authorize the expenditure of grant funds which must be expended by June 30, 2025.
Budget Impact
The grant includes a 10% allocation to the Village for administrative costs to cover staff time for administration and the costs of the required audit.
Staffing Impact
Village Staff, specifically from the Office of Sustainability and Resilience and the Finance Department, will be required to track the grant, provide required reporting to the State, and include the grant in the single audit. Staff time allocated to this project is estimated at no more than 7 hours per month.
DEI Impact
The programs developed by C4 under this grant will primarily engage BIPOC/LMI youth. The Kaleidoscope Model program specifically targets BIPOC/LMI youth in learning about urban sustainability and civic leadership and provides workforce development training. Although students have not yet been selected for the program, of the estimated 40 participants SGA anticipates an even split between students of White, Black/African American, and Asian race and ethnicity.
Community Input
C4 and SGA have committed to focusing on youth within the Oak Park community as the beneficiaries of these programs by partnering with District 97 and District 200.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the Board approves the Resolution to submit the Special Project Grant Application to IDHS-OCPYD.
• The grant will support the development of youth programming around urban sustainability and climate change which will benefit Oak Park youth.
• Serving as the grantee and supporting the Cross-Community Climate Collaborative supports the Village of Oak Park's commitment to C4 as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding.
• Village Staff time will be required to administer the Grant.
Alternative 1:
Do not accept the Staff's recommendation to authorize the Special Projects Grant Application.
• No further Village Staff time will be used to manage the Grant.
• If the Village does not submit the Special Projects Grant Application C4's youth leadership programming will not receive the allocated funds.
Anticipated Future Actions
At the end of the grant-funded program, it is anticipated that Seven Generations Ahead will report the results to the Village Board.
Prepared By: Lindsey Roland Nieratka, Chief Sustainability Officer
Reviewed By: Ahmad M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager
1. Resolution - C4 State Appropriations Grant
2. FY25 Special Projects Application
3. Uniform Application
4. Budget Template