
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 25-158    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Agenda
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with The Lakota Group, Inc. to prepare an Update to the Roosevelt Road Plan, titled "A Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt Road - A Joint-Municipality Study of the Roosevelt Road Corridor" in Collaboration with the City of Berwyn.
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Intergovermental Agreement w Berwyn, 3. Signed PSA, 4. RFP Response - Lakota, 5. Request for Proposals, 6. Addendum-1 to RFP
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A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with The Lakota Group, Inc. to prepare an Update to the Roosevelt Road Plan, titled “A Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt Road - A Joint-Municipality Study of the Roosevelt Road Corridor” in Collaboration with the City of Berwyn.                                                        





This agenda item is for the approval of a resolution regarding the hiring of a planning consultant to perform an update to the Roosevelt Road plan which was adopted by the Village Board in 2005. This project is in collaboration with the City of Berwyn.                                           


Recommended Action

Adopt the Resolution

Prior Board Action

The Board has taken the following prior action(s):

                     Approved the FY 2025 budget on December 4, 2024, which includes funding for this project.

                     Approved Village Board Goals on January 23, 2024, as an Economic Vitality Priority 1; C i & ii: to Renew the Village Vision and plan for the redevelopment of the Roosevelt Road Corridor… engage an urban design firm….initiate conversations with the City of Berwyn… about a joint plan.

                     Adopted the Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt Road on March 21, 2005.


The current “Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt Road” was completed in 2001, and adopted by the Village Board in March of 2005. The plan is a joint-municipality study for the Roosevelt Road corridor prepared by Farr Associates Architecture and Urban Design firm in collaboration with the City of Berwyn. The Roosevelt Road corridor is a major asset for both Oak Park and Berwyn and a portion for the Town of Cicero. The plan was initiated with an Illinois Tomorrow Grant awarded to the Berwyn Development Corporation in partnership with the City of Berwyn and the Village of Oak Park. This plan was in collaboration with the two adjoining communities to establish the first-ever comprehensive redevelopment study of this corridor. Subsequently, the three adjoining communities formed a new relationship by implementing a mutual corridor-wide streetscape initiative as well as achieving common zoning regulations.

The Roosevelt Road corridor is a major asset for the three communities. Along its one-and-a-half-mile length between Harlem Avenue on the west and Austin Avenue on the east, the corridor is made up of hundreds of businesses employing thousands of people providing goods and services for still other tens of thousands. Roosevelt Road contains more than 1 million square feet of commercial space, roughly the size of a large shopping center or a thirty-story office building.

In the latter half of the twentieth century, the Roosevelt Road corridor changed from a bustling, pedestrian-oriented Main Street to an auto-oriented street. In recent decades, many of the traditional shops were replaced with fast food restaurants, gas stations, strip shopping centers with suburban-style parking lots, and industrial uses. In the early 1980s, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) designated Roosevelt Road as a state highway, which further increased the intensity of vehicular domination. 

At one time the Roosevelt Road corridor was nearly built out with traditional one and two-story "main street" buildings. Two relatively intact segments of a traditional main street still exist on the corridor with viable pedestrian-oriented retail. A Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt Road plan recommends that these mini-Main Streets be retained and strengthened by promoting new complementary businesses and by directing new housing development to other nearby parts of the corridor.

Through the Village Board’s development of community-wide priorities, a goal to update the Roosevelt Road plan was adopted. Village staff prepared a Request for Proposals seeking an urban design/planning firm to assist in updating the current plan. Staff received fifteen (15) responses from very qualified firms. Between the Berwyn Development Corporation’s and Village staff’s review of those responses, the number was reduced to four (4) firms for consideration and interview. Interviews were conducted in February achieving our agreement on the firm identified in this item. The process is anticipated to take between 6 to 9 months to complete including final presentations for both governing bodies.

The Roosevelt Road Plan is distinct from the Economic Vitality study currently underway. The update to the Roosevelt Road Plan will analyze more exclusive conditions found along the Roosevelt Road corridor in Oak Park and Berwyn versus a more generalized community-wide plan. The outcome of this planning effort will identify site-specific goals in keeping with the communities’ desires for increased economic development, better design principles, and ensuring compatible land use through a series of recommended actions designed to meet specific objectives. 

Timing Considerations

While there are no specific deadlines for this project, it has been budgeted, and advertised, and RFP responses received in the first quarter of 2025. The City of Berwyn and the Berwyn Development Corporation will be presenting a similar request for contract approval to their Council this month. Starting as soon as possible will ensure completion in 2025.

Budget Impact

Funds for this Plan are budgeted in the Development Services, Planning, and Urban Design Division in account 1001.46202.101.530667.

The total project cost is $100,000.00. The consultant has proposed an amount of $98,952.00. The cost is being split evenly between the Village of Oak Park and the City of Berwyn. The City of Berwyn will deposit their portion of the cost with the Village of Oak Park. The Village of Oak Park will manage the invoicing and fund distribution for the project, in agreement with the Berwyn Development Corporation. 

Staffing Impact

There is no staffing impact associated with this item. The item aligns with the department’s core service delivery.

DEI Impact

Because of the multi-cultural and multi-generational makeup of our combined populations, both communities (Oak Park and Berwyn) and the selected consultant will commit to making every effort to include those who are historically underrepresented.

Community Input

There has been no community input given in relation to this item. The Roosevelt Road plan development process will include multiple outreach undertakings for both communities. The results of this will be fully reflected in the final report.

Staff Recommendation

Staff Recommends the approval of this Resolution.


                     Supports the Village Board of Trustee’s community-wide priorities and goals.

                     Prepares Roosevelt Road for future economic and development pursuits.

                     Updates a twenty (20+) year-old business district plan.

                     Supports a continued multi-jurisdictional coordination and enhancement effort.


                     There are no disadvantages to preparing an updated plan.



Alternative 1:

Do not proceed with this planning effort.


                     Funding savings can be allocated elsewhere.


                     This may reduce the opportunity for compatibility of development along the mutual corridor with the City of Berwyn.

                     Leaves a 20+ year-old plan in place for Oak Park.

                     The City of Berwyn and the Berwyn Development Corporation are committed to this process. It could mean they will go ahead without the Village, placing the Village of Oak Park at a disadvantage relative to seeing the future potential for the corridor.

Anticipated Future Actions

The Village Board’s participation is incorporated into the planning process.

The Village Board will receive the final plan for review and adoption which is anticipated towards the end of FY 2025.

Prepared By: Craig Failor, Development Services Director

Reviewed By: Ahmad M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager

Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager


1.                     Resolution

2.                     Professional Services Agreement

3.                     Intergovernmental Agreement

4.                     Recommended Consultant RFP Response

5.                     Request for Proposals Release Document

6.                     Addendum 1 to RFP Document