Submitted By
Tammie Grossman, Development Customer Services Director
Reviewed By
Agenda Item Title
Second Reading and Adoption of an Ordinance Adopting a New Village of Oak Park Zoning Ordinance
At the July 17, 2017 Meeting, the Village Board reviewed the draft Zoning Ordinance and provided staff with suggested modifications for follow up and review at the next available Village Board meeting.
Staff Recommendation
Staff supports the adoption of the revised Zoning Ordinance with modifications per the attached memorandum dated September 5, 2017 from the Development Customer Service Department. This is a Second Reading of the Zoning Ordinance.
Fiscal Impact
The Village Board authorized two contracts with the planning and zoning consultant Camiros, LTD. The first was in the amount of $34,220.00 regarding the development of an expedited MS Madison Street zoning district for the Madison Street Business District. The second in the amount of $142,400.00 regarding revisions and updating of the full Zoning Ordinance and Map.
Village staff began the process of seeking the services of a planning consultant to assist in the revision and update to the Zoning Ordinance by issuing a Request for Proposals in January 2015. Proposals were received by March and candidates analyzed and interviewed in early April. Staff interviewed three leading candidates and determined unanimously that Camiros Ltd. was the top consultant based on their experience, expertise and zoning knowledge. After contract approval in May 2015, the Consultant began by collecting data and meeting with the key stakeholders from the community, businesses and staff.
The Plan Commission was selected as the advisory body with whom the consultants and staff worked with on a regular basis. Key draft versions of the Zoning Ordinance document were reviewed and discussed with the Plan Commission throughout the revision process. Many other public outreach and input opportunities occurred throughout this process. The consultants and staff held keyperson interviews, focus groups, open houses, public presentations, and public meetings with the Plan Commission. In addition to these, staff met, one-on-one, with various Business District representatives, cultural facility operators and representatives from Rush Oak Park Hospital and West Suburban Medical Center. Staff also provided direct emails to taxing body key staff. Multiple notifications were provided generally through the village’s FYI newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, e-blasts, news releases, website postings, direct emailing to board and commission chairs and members. Discussions also occurred at other commission meetings or with other commission representatives. From the start, our consultants created a publicly accessible website ( which houses all of the presentation materials, reports, notifications, dates, coming events, etc. Courtesy letters regarding the public hearing were sent to multiple property owners whose zoning classification was recommended for change, mainly for those changing from a business or commercial district to a residential district and those changing from a residential district to an Institutional or Open Space district.
This process has resulted in a revised Zoning Ordinance integrating current planning policies, goals, and objectives where appropriate consistent with the Envision Oak Park Comprehensive Plan as well as best industry practices and standards. The Zoning Ordinance provisions have been influenced by community development, community design, transit-orientation, energy and green building (including life-cycles of materials), housing, transportation, public facilities, historic preservation, land use planning, economy, public safety, diversity, sustainability, public health, arts and culture, tourism, parks and recreation, and public property. The revised ordinance will replace the current Zoning Ordinance. The Ordinance includes laymen language text, plans, charts, graphs, diagrams, drawings and other applicable graphics to illustrate the regulations. The Zoning Ordinance is more user friendly with clear and concise language. The end result provides for a more streamlined and improved document where unnecessary and contradictory standards have been removed and more opportunities for creative development consistent with Regional Plan goals and policies have been facilitated.
A presentation to the Village Board on May 22, 2017 regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance revisions and zoning map revisions generated discussion on various topics. One such topic was inclusionary zoning. Staff recommends discussing this topic at a Special Meeting scheduled for September when a discussion on affordable housing was scheduled. The Board could then proceed with the zoning amendment at this time and then bring forward any additional amendments, if needed, at that time.
The draft Zoning Ordinance was reviewed and discussed at the Village Board meeting on July 17, 2017. At that meeting the Village Board directed staff to review and consider some modifications to the Zoning Ordinance.
Adopt Ordinance
Adopt Ordinance with Modifications
Deny Ordinance
Previous Board Action
May 18, 2015 - The Village Board approved two Resolutions for contracts with Camiros, LTD for the Madison Street District and for the full Zoning Ordinance and Map.
December 7, 2015 - The Village Board referred the expedited MS Madison Street District draft zoning regulations to the Plan Commission for public hearing.
February 16, 2016 - The Village Board adopted the expedited MS Madison Street zoning regulations.
November 7, 2016 - The Village Board approved a referral of the full draft Zoning Ordinance and draft Zoning Classification Map to the Plan Commission for public hearing.
March 6, 2017 - The Village Board received a partial presentation by staff and Camiros LTD regarding the revised Zoning Ordinance.
May 22, 2017 - The Village Board received a presentation by staff and Camiros LTD regarding the revised Zoning Ordinance and directed staff to prepare the Ordinance and Map for First Reading.
July 17, 2017 - The Village Board reviewed the draft Zoning Ordinance and directed staff to prepare modifications for the Second Reading.
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities
Zoning and land use matters are unique to Village government within the corporate limits of Oak Park and therefore, intergovernmental cooperation opportunities do not exist.
Performance Management (MAP) Alignment
A Governance Priority established for the Development Customer Services Department -Planning Division is Land Use Regulations.