
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 23-61    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/6/2023 Final action: 2/6/2023
Title: A Resolution Approving a Three-Year Master Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc. with an Option to Renew the Agreement for up to Two Additional One-Year Periods and Authorizing its Execution
Attachments: 1. Resolution - A&E Task Orders - Cordogan Clark, 2. Master Agreement - A&E Task Orders - Cordogan Clark, 3. Attachments - A&E Task Orders - Cordogan Clark - Contract Documents

Submitted By                     

Rob Sproule, Public Works Director


Reviewed By

A.M. Zayyad


Agenda Item Title


A Resolution Approving a Three-Year Master Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc. with an Option to Renew the Agreement for up to Two Additional One-Year Periods and Authorizing its Execution   





In December of 2022, the Building Maintenance Division issued a Request for Qualifications for various professional architectural and engineering services needed in 2023 and subsequent years for Building Improvement Fund projects.  The three most qualified firms from this recent RFQ process have been identified and staff recommends entering into Master Agreements with each of these firms.  Future professional architectural and engineering services for the next three years will be administered using a task order system to these three firms for the majority of typical projects which will eliminate the need for requesting qualifications and proposals for each engineering project, saving staff time and resources in procuring these services.   





Approve the Resolution.



Professional architectural and engineering services are selected on a qualification-based system according to Federal and State laws and the Village’s Purchasing Policy.  The Building Maintenance Division previously requested proposals (RFP) on a project-by-project basis for these services.  The procurement process for selecting firms this way takes months and many days of staff time per project for issuing the RFQ/RFP, selecting the most qualified firm, negotiating fees, and ultimately presenting to the Village Board for approval.  Many municipalities have started to utilize a task order system for administering professional engineering services in order to reduce the time and resources associated with procuring these services.  Architectural and engineering firms deemed most qualified are selected based on an RFQ process.  Master agreements are entered into with each of these selected firms in the pool.  Future contracts for the majority of services are then issued to the selected consultant deemed most qualified for the particular project via a task order. 


In December of 2022, the Building Maintenance Division issued an RFQ for various architectural and engineering services and received ten (10) responses.  From these responses and based on past experiences, three firms were selected as the most qualified.  The Building Maintenance Division is recommending approval of Master Agreements with Cordogan Clark, Kluber, Inc., and Studio GC. 


The Master Agreements would be for a three-year term for task orders issued until the end of 2025 with two optional one-year renewals.  Task orders would be issued to one of the three consultants deemed most qualified for an individual project.  The format for future task orders is included as an exhibit in the Master Agreements.  Task orders would be issued for the majority of typical Village Building Improvement Fund projects, such as building renovations, new construction, and mechanical and electrical projects. 


Studio GC has worked with the Village previously on the south fire station bunk room renovations project and they did an excellent job on that project and performed very well.   Their mechanical engineering team designed the Council Chambers geothermal system in 2011. 


The Project Director for Cordogan Clark was involved in the Public Works Facilities Improvement Project when the new Public Works Center was constructed in 2007.  His expertise and professionalism were an asset on that project.  Cordogan Clark also has extensive knowledge and experience with task-order work. 


Kluber, Inc. has extensive experience on Public Works projects as well as task-order work and has received multiple awards from the American Public Works Association (APWA). 


All of the references for these three firms were excellent and very positive. 



Fiscal Impact

There is no fiscal impact on the Master Agreement.  Task orders for professional services for various projects will be issued by the Building Maintenance Division to the consultant deemed most qualified for the particular project.  Individual task orders will be presented to the Village Board for approval or approved internally by staff depending on the dollar amount per the Village’s Purchasing Policy. 


Funds for the various architectural and engineering projects will be included in the proposed budgets annually.


DEI Impact




The Board can delay action to gain additional information.


Previous Board Action

The Village Board approved similar Task Order Based Master Agreements for Engineering Services for the Engineering Division in 2021. 


Citizen Advisory Commission Action



Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments

Future task orders will be presented to the Village Board for approval for professional architectural and engineering services for individual projects.


Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities
