Submitted By
Jonathan Burch, Assistant Village Manager/Neighborhood Services Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Authorizing a Single-Family Housing Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (SFR-103)
The purpose of the Single-Family Housing Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program is to address and correct lead paint hazards throughout the Village. The eligible homeowner is requesting a Lead Hazard Reduction Grant of $53,610 from the Village that will be reimbursed under the Cook County Department of Public Health Lead Poisoning Prevention Program for which the Village has an agreement.
Adopt the Resolution.
On August 1, 2022, the Village of Oak Park entered into a three-year agreement with the Cook County Department of Public Health to receive funds from the Cook County’s Lead Poisoning Prevention fund to be used for the purpose of lead paint hazard abatement in residential households. The homeowners are seeking a lead hazard reduction grant from this fund.
The eligibility criteria for this grant are as follows: 1.) The household income must be within HUD income limits; 2.) There must be either a pregnant household member or a child 6 years of age or younger in the household; 3.) Rehabilitation work must be related to lead abatement. The homeowner meets all three criteria.
For each eligible applicant, the Neighborhood Services Department determines financial eligibility, inspects the property, and prepares a detailed scope of work with a line-by-line item cost estimate. Using the scope of work, the homeowner invites Village pre-qualified contractors to bid on the project. The homeowner is responsible for selecting the contractor. However, the accepted bid cannot be more than 10% above the cost estimate or more than 15% below the cost estimate.
To test for lead in the property, the Village contracts with an Independent Lead Inspector to perform a lead risk assessment for each property to identify all lead-based paint surfaces. The contracted Lead Inspector also provides the Village with a list of deteriorated surfaces that must be controlled. Using the Lead Inspection Report, staff develops specifications for the lead hazard reduction work which are incorporated into the scope of work. The successful contractor must either provide documentation that they have certified lead workers on staff or that they have a lead-certified subcontractor who can handle the specified work. Any subcontractors must meet all Village eligibility requirements.
SFR-103 is A $53,610 lead paint hazard reduction grant which includes a $5,000 contingency. The funding for this request is ultimately the Cook County Lead’s Poisoning Prevention fund. Initially, Village funds will be used to pay the contractor; however, the Village will receive reimbursement from the Cook County Lead Poisoning Prevention Grant that provides funding for lead hazard reduction activities to eligible low-moderate income families with either a pregnant household member or a child under 6. The grant funds will be available until November 30, 2024.
The scope of work is detailed on the Grant Summary Form, as well as more detailed information about this project. The owner meets all program eligibility requirements, including the three major criteria as discussed previously.
The project was put out for bid. Three contractors attended the scheduled walkthrough and all three submitted bids. Two bids were within the cost threshold allowed by HUD. The homeowners selected Unidos Construction as their contractor.
The project was submitted to the Cook County Department of Public Health for approval. On September 18, 2024, the Village received approval and a Notice to Proceed with the project.
On September 18, 2024, the project was presented to the Housing Programs Advisory Committee (HPAC), which recommended Board approval.
Fiscal Impact
Funding for this specific lead grant comes from Fund 2079, the Cook County Lead Hazard Grant Fund. This proposed grant will reduce the $100,000 budgeted amount for Lead Hazard Reduction grants by $53,610, leaving $46,930 (Account #2079.46206.101.585612). An invoice will be submitted to the Cook County Department of Public Health who will reimburse the Village for the costs of the project.
DEI Impact
These programs are designed to assist low-to-moderate-income individuals who are within HUD income limits and meet the criteria of the program.
The program provides benefits to the Village in maintaining and improving its housing stock. If the funds are not awarded to individual recipients, the Village will not meet its goals under these programs as committed to the Cook County Department of Public Health. The alternative is to not adopt the resolution.
Previous Board Action
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
All loan and grant requests are reviewed by the Housing Program Advisory Committee (HPAC) before they are presented for Board approval. This request was reviewed by HPAC on September 18, 2024, and recommended for approval.
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities