
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 21-314    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/6/2021 Final action: 12/6/2021
Title: A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with National Power Rodding Corporation for Project 21-10, Sewer Cleaning and Inspection, in an Amount Not to Exceed $92,000 and Authorizing its Execution
Attachments: 1. Resolution 21-10 Sewer Inspection - NPR.pdf, 2. Agreement - 21-10 Sewer Inspection - NPR.pdf, 3. Proposal 21-10 Sewer Inspection - NationalPowerRodding.pdf, 4. 21-10 RFP Sewer Inspection with Map.pdf, 5. 21-10 Location Map.pdf, 6. Proposal Summary 21-10 Sewer Inspection.pdf

Submitted By                     

Bill McKenna, Village Engineer


Reviewed By



Agenda Item Title


A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with National Power Rodding Corporation for Project 21-10, Sewer Cleaning and Inspection, in an Amount Not to Exceed $92,000 and Authorizing its Execution





Competitive proposals were received on November 18, 2021, for the Sewer Cleaning and Inspection Project.  Five contractors submitted proposals for the project. The lowest responsible proposal was submitted by National Power Rodding Corporation in the amount of $80,387.75.  It is recommended to award the contract at the full budgeted amount of $92,000 in order to add additional locations for sewer cleaning and inspection.





Adopt the Resolution.


Fiscal Impact

The costs for this project are included in the FY2021 budget in the Water and Sewer Fund, Public Works-Sewer, Sewer Collection, External Support, account #5040-43750-781-530667 which has $92,237 remaining for the annual sewer cleaning and inspection project. 



The project consists of cleaning and television inspection of approximately 5 ¼ miles of sewers ranging in size from 8-inches to approximately 9-feet in diameter.  Sewer cleaning and inspection is an annual project which is used to clear debris and blockages from sewers to maintain flow, determine sewer condition and future capital improvement needs, and help manage the combined sewer system asset.  The locations of the sewers scheduled for sewer cleaning and inspection are included as an attachment.


The lowest cost proposal was submitted by Comprehensive Construction Solutions LLC (CCS) in the amount of $68,885.30.  CCS is relatively new to the sewer cleaning and inspection industry.  Staff requested references from CCS and based upon their submitted references, CCS does not have the experience necessary for this project as it has not had any contracts for performing pipe condition assessment work as a general contractor.  The project includes inspecting and grading pipe conditions of approximately 2.5 miles of some of the largest and most critical sewer mains in the Village on East Avenue ranging in diameter from approximately 3.5-feet to 9-feet.  Inspecting and determining defects for large diameter pipe requires a company with similar experience.  Due to these reasons, CCS is not qualified to perform this work at this time and staff recommends awarding the contract to National Power Rodding which had the second-lowest-cost proposal which staff considers as the lowest responsible proposal.



The alternative to this recommendation could be to delay action to gain additional information.


Previous Board Action



Citizen Advisory Commission Action



Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments

None at this time.


Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities

None at this time.