An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 (“Administration”), Article 18 (“Community Design Commission”) of the Oak Park Village Code and Various Other Provisions to Eliminate the Community Design Commission and Reassign its Duties.
The purpose of this Ordinance is to remove the establishment, objectives and various other provisions to eliminate the Community Design Commission from the Village Code.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Ordinance.
Prior Board Action
The Board has taken the following prior action:
• Creation of the Community Design Commission, Ord. 18-363, 5/7/2018
• Objectives of the Community Design Commission, Ord. 18-363, 5/7/2018
The Community Design Commission was established on May 7, 2018, with the objective of enhancing the aesthetic quality of life in the Village by rendering decisions on applications for sign variances and recommending public improvement in streets or alleys to the Village Board. It was recently determined that the Community Design Commission is no longer necessary, and the above-mentioned duties can be transferred to the Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Timing Considerations
Ordinance has to be approved or denied before the next regular Community Design Commission meeting.
Budget Impact
There is no budget impact associated with this item.
Staffing Impact
There is no staffing impact associated with this item.
DEI Impact
There is no DEI impact associated with this item.
Community Input
Notice was placed in the Wednesday Journal on January 22, 2025 to notify the public of a Plan Commission hearing on February 6, 2025 to amend the Zoning Ordinance to remove the Community Design Commission. The Plan Commission met on February 6, 2025. There were no public comments on this item. Staff provided an overview of the justification relative to the removal of the Community Design Commission, per the Village President’s direction, from the list of commissions. The reasoning was iterated in the staff report. The Plan Commission was informed of the three-pronged requirement to complete the task which, includes amending the Zoning Ordinance, Sign Code, and Village Code. The Plan Commission unanimously supported the request with a 7- 0 roll call vote.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the Ordinance.
• Eliminating one of the Village’s 21 citizen commissions will create a more efficient and effective commission process.
• Eliminating the Community Design Commission will free up staff time used to attend and prepare for the monthly meetings.
• Board members and duties of the Community Design Commission will be consolidated into other Village commissions.
• There are no disadvantages.
Do not approve the Ordinance.
Alternative 1:
Do not rescind establishment provisions of the Community Design Commission in the Village Code.
• There are no advantages to this alternative.
• Retaining the Community Design Commission will continue to be an ineffective way to process sign variances.
• Retaining the Community Design Commission will add to staff time used to attend and prepare for monthly meetings.
Anticipated Future Actions
There are no anticipated future actions in relation to this agenda item.
Prepared By: Rasheda Jackson, Asst. Village Attorney
Reviewed By: Emily Egan, Director of Development Services
Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager
1. Ordinance