
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: MOT 25-108    Name:
Type: Motion Status: Regular Agenda
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission's Recommendation and Approve the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.
Attachments: 1. Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.pdf, 2. MadisonTrafficStudyExhibitsandRecomendations.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission’s Recommendation and Approve the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.                                                       





At the October 28, 2024, Transportation Commission (TC) meeting, the TC recommended approving the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.  The study reviewed pre and post road diet traffic and safety issues on Madison, Jackson, Washington, and the side streets which connect to Madison Street. In general, the study did not find a significant increase in traffic or safety concerns within this corridor but the study includes recommendations for traffic calming on sections of Washington and Jackson and on side streets south of Madison to address potential concerns for cut-through traffic.  Pending Village Board approval, recommended improvements would be implemented with future capital improvement projects.                                            


Recommended Action

Adopt the Motion. 

Prior Board Action

                     At the Village Board meeting on November 26, 2018, the Village Board had a presentation and discussion of the Madison Traffic Study (ID 18-1042).


In 2019, the Village of Oak Park completed a road diet project that reconfigured Madison Street from Harlem to Austin, eliminating one of the two through lanes in each direction and reallocating that space to build new bike lanes, improved pedestrian crossings, and new shared turn lanes. Prior to the road diet, a traffic study was completed to predict how the project would affect traffic. 

In 2018 the Engineering Division completed a traffic study to predict the traffic impacts of the proposed road diet project since the existing traffic volumes on Madison Street were at the high end for creating a road diet and exceeded recommended traffic volumes for road diets during peak hours at many of the signalized intersections.  The 2018 study predicted increased congestion on Madison during peak hours and diversion of traffic from Madison to the parallel streets of Washington and Jackson.  There was also a potential for increased traffic diversion onto the north-south side streets that connect to Madison Street during peak hours due to congestion on Madison, especially near signals.  As part of the 2018 traffic study, the Village collected traffic data in the study area from Harlem to Austin and from Jackson to Washington to be used for the 2018 study and to serve as a benchmark for the pre-road diet existing conditions.  At the time, the intent was to complete a post-road diet traffic study in 2020 to determine the actual impacts of the road diet project and to determine where any traffic calming or safety improvements should be made based on actual data.  Due to COVID, the post-road diet study was delayed until traffic returned to a more normal condition. 

In 2022, the Village collected post-road diet traffic data for the streets in the study area and in 2023 hired V3 Companies (V3) to prepare the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study (Study) comparing pre and post-road diet traffic and safety conditions.  The Study generally compares the 2018 traffic speed and volume data with the 2022 speed and volume data and used 3-years of pre-road diet crash data from 2016-2018 and 3-years of post-road diet crash data from 2020-2022 to evaluate changes in crash rates and severities. 

The Study includes detailed tables and exhibits showing pre and post-road diet speeds, volumes, and crashes.  The Study tries to highlight where there were relevant increases in these factors so that countermeasures could be determined for calming traffic or improving safety.  A brief overview of the pre-verses post-road diet statistics is below and attached for reference including the proposed mitigation strategies for the areas of concern. 

Comparing the pre-road diet traffic volume data versus the 2022 data shows that the predicted traffic diversion off of Madison Street did not occur to the full extent predicted.  In 2018 the study predicted that 5-15% of traffic would divert off of Madison Street due to the road diet and this diverted traffic would generally use the parallel streets of Washington or Jackson Boulevards which would carry additional traffic for a 5-19% increase on Washington and 4-9% on Jackson.  The 2022 traffic data shows a general decrease in traffic on the major east-west streets in the Study by about 22% (with some exceptions) as traffic volumes have not returned to the pre-pandemic volumes that were used in the original study.  Since traffic volumes have not returned to pre-pandemic levels, calculating diversions becomes slightly challenging.  Comparing the percentage of traffic using the Washington/Madison/Jackson corridor, there has been about a 5% decrease in the traffic using Madison, with a 4% increase in traffic using Washington, and Jackson appears to be unchanged from a traffic volume standpoint.  In general, traffic volumes on the north-south side streets that were studied had a slight decrease in traffic volumes with no significant changes in volumes with the road diet. 

When comparing pre- and post-road diet speed data, there was a reduction in speeds on Madison as a result of the road diet which previously had 85% speed between about 33.5 mph which has been reduced to between 28.8-30.2 mph.  Washington Blvd. did experience an increase in speed in some sections particularly near Home Avenue close to Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School and close to  East Avenue by Fenwick High School.  On Jackson, generally, speeds went down between the 2018 and 2022 study except for a section of Jackson near the middle of the Village where there was an increase in speeds and an 85% speed between 29-34mph.  In general, on the side streets, there was an increase in speeds between the 2018 data and 2022 data, however, the average speeds for most blocks was less than the posted speed of 25 mph and the 85% speeds for the majority of the side streets were still 28 mph or lower with a couple of exceptions.   

Comparing the crash data between the pre and post road diet, generally, there was a decrease in the total number of injury crashes, and ped/cycle crashes with the implementation of the road diet.  Madison had a 26% reduction in accidents with a 24% reduction in injuries.  Washington had a 20% reduction in accidents with a 6% reduction in injuries, although there was one segment between Home and Oak Park.  Jackson had a 23% reduction in accidents with a 34% reduction in injuries with only the Wisconsin and the Lombard area experiencing any increases in the number or severity of crashes.  In general, the side streets did not experience a noticeable change with the road diet with only a couple of segments or local intersections experiencing an increase in crashes. 

Based on the pre and post-road diet traffic study findings, the Study identified hot spots where there were negative changes in speeds, crashes, or volumes as a result of the road diet or that the 2022 traffic data showed cause for concern.  An exhibit showing the hot spots is included in the Study and attached to the agenda.  The Study then makes a number of recommendations for improvements on the corridors to address the concerns including recommendations for the more major roadways and the residential streets.  Recommendations for improvements on Austin would need to be reviewed and coordinated with the City. 

Recommendations on Washington would need to be reviewed and approved by IDOT. Recommendations on Washington include improvements in the western third near Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School including crossing improvement at Home, speed radar signage, crossing improvements at Kenilworth already under contract and still being reviewed by IDOT, and a future speed table of the Kenilworth intersection.  Improvements closer to Fenwick include speed radar signage and crossing improvements at Scoville also already under contract and still being reviewed by IDOT.  Improvements at the Lombard and Washington intersection include revising the geometry of the intersection to improve safety for all users by shrinking the roadway.

Recommendations on Madison include signage, speed radar signs, signal changes at Ridgeland and Lombard for protected left turn phases versus protected/permitted and no turn on red at Lombard.  Ped crossing improvement recommendations have already been built at Cuyler and Harvey for adding RRFBs.

Recommendations in the Study on Jackson include improvements in the middle section for speed radar and speed limit signage.  Crossing improvements at Scoville are already under contract with the bike boulevard project for construction early this year.        

Recommendations on the side streets include using paint and post pinch points on side streets south of the alleys south of Madison to slow traffic and give a visual indication to drivers that they are entering a residential area. These paint and post pinch points have been implemented as part of multiple traffic calming petitions in similar locations and the Study will expand their use.  

Pending approval of the Study, recommendations for paint and post pinch points on the side streets south of Madison would be implemented as part of upcoming 2025 street resurfacing projects.  Recommendations for improvements for signage and speed radar signs would be implemented by Public Works in 2025.  Recommendations for some of the intersection improvements where the bike boulevards cross the major roadways are already included in construction contracts for construction in early 2025.  Recommendations for larger improvements like revising the geometry of the Lombard and Washington intersection or tabling the Kenilworth and Washington intersection will be part of future capital improvement plans and budgeting. 

The Study also reviewed the traffic signal timing for the post-road diet condition.  Signal timing plans were originally developed with the 2019 road diet project and new traffic data was collected in 2022.  The revised signal timing plans are currently planned for implementation in early 2025 once they are finalized for final revisions to add pedestrian recall timings (peds don’t need to push the button to get a walk) or any leading pedestrian intervals.  These new timing plans are intended to reduce congestion on Madison, Ridgeland, and Oak Park Avenue while also better accommodating pedestrians.  Improving the efficiency of traffic on these streets will reduce the desire for cars to cut through the adjacent side streets, further reducing the impact of the road diet on the adjacent residential streets.       

Timing Considerations

Approval of the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study in early 2025 will allow for the Engineering Division to start implementing recommendations from the study including paint and post pinch points south of Madison into the upcoming 2025 resurfacing project, start the design and permitting process with IDOT for improvements on Washington, and include long-term improvements in the five-year Capital Improvement Plan and future budgets.

Budget Impact

The FY25 Budget includes $250,000 for traffic calming improvements associated with the Madison Street Corridor in the Capital Improvement Fund, Public Works-Engineering, Traffic Calming Improvements account no. 3095.43780.101.570955.  

Staffing Impact

There are no staffing impacts associated with approving the traffic study.  The traffic study did require a several hundreds of hours of staff time to prepare, review, and coordinate with the consultant.  Implementing the recommendations from the study is a core service responsibility of the Engineering Division and will be absorbed into the typical designs for projects.  Pinch points on side streets will only take about 30 hours to include in construction plans.  Purchasing and installing signage and speed radar signs would take around 40 hours.  Improvements along Washington Boulevard will require some additional staff time beyond normal to account for designs for revised geometry at Lombard, IDOT coordination, and permitting.  These may require hundreds of hours depending on IDOT reviews and processes.  There is no new staffing proposed with the study or its implementation. 

DEI Impact

The Vision Zero plan highlights that traffic accidents disproportionately affect minority communities within the Village. Traffic calming improvements will enhance safety for all users, with particular benefits for these vulnerable groups.

Community Input

At the October 28, 2024, Transportation Commission meeting, the TC reviewed the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study and approved the study and its recommendations.  In general, residents and businesses within the project corridor from Harlem to Austin and from Jackson to Washington were not individually notified regarding the study due to the large number of homes and businesses within the study area.

Staff Recommendation

Staff concurs with the Transportation Commission’s recommendations for approving the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.  Staff recommends adopting the motion.


                     Traffic calming improvements will be installed per the Transportation Commission’s Recommendation.

                     Pedestrian and bicycle safety would be improved for the various crossing improvements.

                     Drivers should drive slower on the residential side streets and be more aware they transitioned from driving on an arterial to a residential street following the installation of the pinch points.

                     Speeds should be reduced on portions of Jackson, Madison, and Washington following installation of the improvements.


                     Implementation of the all the improvements identified may cost up to around $390,000.  This amount includes approximately $300,000 for the longer-term improvements on Washington for a raised intersection at Kenilworth and revising the geometry at the Washington and Lombard intersection. 

                     Residents will not have an opportunity for public participation about the proposed pinch points on their blocks.  Pinch points will remove 2-4 parking spaces.  Residents would be notified regarding the installation of the pinch point with letters informing them of the upcoming street resurfacing project. 


Alternative 1:

The Board can delay to gain additional information.


                     The Board can be presented with the requested information.


                     Significant delays could impact staff’s ability to incorporate the recommendations in 2025 projects.


Alternative 2:

The Board can vote down the Motion.


                     Potential cost savings


                     Misalignment with Transportation Commission and Staff’s recommendation to address traffic safety concerns.

Anticipated Future Actions

Staff will incorporate recommendations into future capital improvement projects and present future construction contracts to the Village Board for approval. 

Prepared By: Ron Burke, Transportation Commission Chairperson - Bill McKenna, Village Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director

Reviewed By: Rob Sproule, Public Works Director

Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager


1.                     Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study

2.                     Madison Traffic Study Exhibits and Recomendations