Concur with the Historic Preservation Commission and Adopt an Ordinance Designating 1132-42 Lake Street as an Oak Park Landmark.
The Historic Preservation Commission recommends the Village Board adopt an Ordinance authorizing amendment of Section 7-9-7F of the Village Code, and designating 1132-42 Lake Street as an Oak Park Landmark.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Ordinance.
Prior Board Action
There has been no prior Board action associated with this item.
The Historic Preservation Ordinance, adopted by the Village Board in 1994, enables the Historic Preservation Commission to recommend, and the Village Board to adopt by Ordinance, local landmarks within the Village. The property must meet one or more of eight (8) criteria for designation as listed in the ordinance. The ordinance calls for the Commission to hold a public hearing and then forward a recommendation in the form of a Resolution to the Village Board. Upon receipt of the Resolution and nomination report, the Village Board has 30 days in which to designate or reject the nomination by simple majority. Upon approval, the Board shall enact an ordinance designating the landmark.
The Oak Leaves Building was designed by Samuel N. Crowen & Associates, and built in 1929. It was initially completed as a speculative professional office building with a top, fifth-floor suite for Oak Park’s Oak Leaves newspaper. The building was designed with four ground-level commercial storefronts that flanked a central entrance to upper-floor offices. The Oak Leaves Building is significant for its association with the adjacent Marshall Field and Company Store and the development of a downtown Oak Park commercial district. The Oak Leaves Building has a remarkable interior and exterior integrity of finish and design for its association with Marshall Field and Woolworth. It is also significant for its unique Egyptian Art Deco façade which survives and contributes to the streetscape of downtown Oak Park. The limestone façade of the Oak Leaves Building retains most if not all of its original Egyptian Art Deco ornament, and retains a great deal of integrity. Currently, the building has active permits for an interior remodel associated with an anticipated hotel use with retail and commercial on the first floor.
The property meets the following criteria under section 7-9-4 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance “Criteria for Designation of Historic Landmarks and Interior Historic Landmarks”:
Historical and/or Cultural Importance
Criteria 1: Significance as an example of architectural, cultural, economic, historic or social development or heritage of the Village of Oak Park, the state, of the United States.
Criteria 3: Identification with a person or persons (in this case Marshall Field and Company Store) who significantly contributed to the architectural, cultural, economic, historic or social heritage, or other aspect, of the Village of Oak Park, the State, or the United States.
Architectural And/ Or Engineering Importance
Criteria 5: Embodiment of those distinguishing characteristics of significant architectural type, or style, or engineering specimen.
Criteria 7: Contains design elements, detail, materials or craftsmanship that make the property or building structurally or architecturally innovative, rare or unique.
Criteria 8: Representation of an architectural, cultural, economic, historic or social theme, styles or period, expressed in distinctive areas, districts, places, buildings or structures that may or may not be contiguous.
In addition, the property is at least 50 years old and has sufficient integrity of location, design, materials, and workmanship to make it worthy of preservation or restoration.
Timing Considerations
Upon receipt of the Resolution and nomination report, the Village Board has 30 days in which to designate or reject the nomination by simple majority.
Budget Impact
The amount of $300 has been budgeted for this item through the Historic Preservation Commission for a bronze plaque and is also the current amount requested from GL account 1001.46200.332.530662. The amount of $168.00 was the cost of the public notice publication from GL account 1001.46202.101.550652.
Staffing Impact
There is no staffing impact related to this item.
DEI Impact
There is no DEI impact related to this item.
Community Input
The Historic Preservation Commission conducted a preliminary determination of eligibility on the completed nomination report on December 12, 2024, which determined the property met at least one of the criteria for designation contained in the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The Commission held a public hearing on January 9, 2025. Legal Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Wednesday Journal on December 18, 2024, and hearing notices were mailed to the Village property owners within 250 feet of the site. The Commission approved the nomination as the Findings of Fact and recommended approval of the property as an Oak Park Historic Landmark by the attached Resolution on January 9, 2025, as mandated in the Historic Preservation Ordinance.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends the adoption of this Ordinance.
• Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Landmark designation helps to retain the unique architectural and cultural character of Oak Park, and preserves a tangible connection to the past, offering learning opportunities for future generations.
• Economic Benefits: The landmark building becomes eligible for property tax reductions, grants, or credits for restoration and maintenance, and it can attract visitors, boosting local tourism and benefiting surrounding businesses.
• Community and Social Benefits: The landmark building contributes to community pride and a shared sense of history, can enhance the appeal of surrounding areas, and promote cohesive urban development.
• Legal Protections and Advocacy: Changes to landmark buildings require approval, ensuring that alterations align with the Historic Preservation Ordinance.
• Restrictions on modifications and higher maintenance costs.
Alternative 1:
The alternative would be to take no action or deny the recommendation for Landmark designation.
• It would save the Village $300.
• It would fail to provide long-term protection for what the Historic Preservation Commission considers to be an important historic resource within the Village.
• The building is unable to capture potential community and economic benefits.
Anticipated Future Actions
There is no future action anticipated in relation to this item.
Prepared By: Craig Failor, Village Planner/Planning & Urban Design Manager
Reviewed By: Emily A. Egan, Development Services Director
Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager
1. Draft Ordinance
2. Approved Resolution
3. Landmark Nomination Report and Exhibits