Submitted By
Rob Sproule, Public Works Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Independent Contractor Agreement With D. Kersey Construction Co. for the Public Works Center Wash Bay Drainage Improvements Project to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $141,120.00 to $199,625.00 and Authorizing Its Execution
At the February 6, 2023, Village Board meeting, the Board approved an Independent Contractor Agreement with D. Kersey Construction Co. for the Public Works Center Wash Bay Drainage Improvements Project. Some unforeseen conditions were discovered during the demolition resulting in the need for some change orders and an amendment to the Agreement.
Adopt the Resolution.
The Independent Contractor Agreement with D. Kersey Construction Co. for the Public Works Center Wash Bay Drainage Improvements Project was approved for a total cost not to exceed $141,120 ($134,400 proposal cost plus a 5% contingency of $6,720.00). During the demolition of the wash bay concrete floor, unforeseen conditions were discovered that were not identified on the as-built building plans. Also, the originally specified waterproofing membrane that would be applied on the top of the new concrete wash bay floor was determined to be insufficient and a heavier-duty waterproofing system is being proposed. Additionally, a fourth-floor drain is being proposed to mitigate water build-up between the existing pre-cast structure and the new concrete topping slab, and modifications to the initially specified new catch basins are required to prevent water from leaking into the space below. Lastly, staff requested a cost to have the entire wash bay painted once all work has been completed. The cost to paint the wash bay is included in the amended contract cost.
Also included as part of the amendment is a new project completion date of June 30, 2023. The original completion date was May 31, 2023, however, due to the work being delayed to determine the revised scope, the completion date would need to be extended.
Fiscal Impact
All change order costs are included with this agenda item as Attachment D. Kersey Change Orders. The FY2023 CIP Building Improvement Fund budget (3012-43790-101-540673) contains $175,000 for the Public Works Center Wash Bay Drainage Improvement Project and $25,000 for Utility Piping Replacements at the Public Works Center (on an as-needed basis). If approved, the amended contract amount with D. Kersey Construction Co. would not exceed $199,625.00. Funds to cover this added cost could be obtained by deferring or reducing the utility pipe replacements at the Public Works Center. If replacement of any utility pipes is needed during the remainder of 2023, the Village’s current plumbing contract could perform the needed repair work and the cost would be covered by the Public Works Dept. Building Maintenance Operating Budget Property Repair account.
DEI Impact
The Board can delay to gain additional information
Previous Board Action
The Board approved the Independent Contractor Agreement with D. Kersey Construction Co. at the February 6, 2023 Board meeting.
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Staff would monitor the work and progress of the contractor to ensure the project is completed by the amended project completion date of June 30, 2023.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities