Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 23-264    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/5/2023 Final action: 9/5/2023
Title: A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Three 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor Vehicles with Police Package, from Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois in an Amount Not to Exceed $137,919.72 and Waiving the Village's Bid Process for the Purchase
Attachments: 1. Resolution - Three 2023 Police Hybrid Squad Vehicle Purchase, 2. Attachments - Three 2023 Police Hybrid Squad Vehicle Purchase

Submitted By                     

Rob Sproule, Public Works Director; and Shatonya Johnson, Police Chief


Reviewed By

A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager


Agenda Item Title


A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Three 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor Vehicles with Police Package, from Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois in an Amount Not to Exceed $137,919.72 and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for the Purchase 




Three (3) 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor vehicles were made available to the Village of Oak Park by Currie Motors after their purchase was canceled by another municipality. These three units will be replacing three of the six 2022 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor vehicles that were canceled in 2022 by the manufacturer.End




Adopt the Resolution.



The Fiscal Year 2023 Fleet Replacement Fund earmarks funding for the replacement of six (6) marked frontline Police vehicles. These vehicles are planned to be replaced with six (6) 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor vehicles with the Police Package. In 2022, six (6) marked frontline Police vehicles were scheduled to be purchased through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) through Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois, but were canceled by the manufacturer. These three (3) units were made available to the Village of Oak Park by Currie Motors after their purchase was canceled by another municipality. These three (3) units will be replacing three (3) of the six (6) 2022 canceled units.


2022 and 2023 model-year vehicles are representing a unique procurement challenge.  Manufacturers are facing supply chain constraints and labor shortages. This is resulting in limited availability, increased cost, and procurement confirmations outside of typical ordering timelines. In the past, the Fleet Division of the Public Works Department would typically receive notice of fleet vehicle ordering windows in the first few months of the calendar year for the existing vehicle model year with delivery expected in the summer to early fall. The 2022 vehicles previously ordered have been canceled by the manufacturers.


Based on the urgent need to replace certain vehicles, the market constraints, and the impracticability of convening a meeting of the Board of Trustees for the purchase of a vehicle, staff requested the Village Manager grant authority to negotiate and execute the contract for the purchases of this vehicle.


On July 28, 2023, the Village Manager authorized the purchase of these vehicles pursuant to Section 2-6-10 of the Oak Park Village Code which allows for purchases “without formal advertising with the approval of the Village Manager, when it is in the best interest of the Village and when it is impractical to convene a meeting of the Board of Trustees.”


The vehicles being replaced are considered full-time emergency response vehicles and the consequences of their downtime could compromise life safety for residents and those who work in the Village.


The new vehicle includes the standard Police package, All-Wheel Drive, and comes with a three-year, 36,000-mile bumper-to-bumper and five-year, 100,000-mile drivetrain warranty. 


The Hybrid drive system has the potential to save 30% in fuel usage compared to frontline ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) patrol vehicles currently employed by the Village.


Each year, the Village allocates funds for the annual replacement of vehicles in the Fleet Replacement Fund. The Public Works Department manages the budget for vehicles that will replace those units that have reached the end of their service life under the fleet replacement program. 


The intent of the fleet replacement program is to replace vehicles and equipment using the established criteria for replacement of fleet vehicles/equipment, including the age of vehicle/year purchased, mileage or hours, type of use (full-time, seasonal, emergency, non-emergency, etc.), consequences of downtime, maintenance history & costs, drivers evaluations, trade-in or resale values and indispensability of vehicle/equipment as a guide to guard against excessive maintenance costs and low resale values.


The Fleet Division’s goal is to standardize vehicle acquisitions whenever possible in support of the fleet maintenance program and to operate the Village’s fleet in a fiscally responsible manner.


The existing Police units will be reassigned, scrapped, or sent to Auction.


The Equipment Replacement Analysis Report for the vehicles being replaced is included in the attachments for this agenda item.


Fiscal Impact

The purchase of three (3) 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor Vehicles with Police Package, will cost $137,919.72.


Funds exist in the Fiscal Year 2023 Fleet Replacement Fund in account # 3032-43900-857-570750 (Fleet Replacement, Police Vehicles) via a transfer from the CIP account number 3095-41300-101-413406. A total of $382,000.00 is budgeted in the Fleet Replacement Fund for police vehicle replacement. 


Funds for necessary equipment such as light bars, graphics, sirens, etc. will also come from this account but will be purchased separately from vendors who supply this equipment.


DEI Impact




The Board can delay action to gain additional information.


Previous Board Action

The Village Board has annually approved the replacement of vehicles according to the approved Fleet Replacement Fund Budget.


Citizen Advisory Commission Action



Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments

The Public Works Department will bring vehicle replacement requests to the Village Board as vehicles become available.


Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities
