
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 25-160    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Consent Agenda
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One 2025 John Deere 320 P Backhoe Loader from West Side Tractor Sales of Lisle, Illinois through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program in an amount not to exceed $122,224.09 and Waiving the Village's Bid Process for the Purchase
Attachments: 1. 1 - Resolution - 2025 Backhoe Purchase, 2. 2 - Supporting Documents - 2025 Backhoe Purchase
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A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One 2025 John Deere 320 P Backhoe Loader from West Side Tractor Sales of Lisle, Illinois through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program in an amount not to exceed $122,224.09 and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for the Purchase                                                        





The Fiscal Year 2025 Water and Sewer Vehicle Replacement Fund includes the replacement of one (1) 2015 John Deere 310 HL Backhoe Loader to be replaced with one (1) 2025 John Deere 320 P Backhoe Loader. This purchase will be made through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program, an opportunity for agencies to leverage and pool resources for better pricing.                                          


Recommended Action

Adopt the Resolution.

Prior Board Action

The Board has taken the following prior action(s):

                     The Village Board approved funding for this vehicle/equipment replacement as part of the Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Improvement Budget on November 11, 2024 (MOT 24-264).


Each year, the Village allocates funds for the annual replacement of vehicles and equipment. This keeps the Village equipped with up-to-date equipment, allowing Village employees to carry out their core services. The Public Works Department manages the budget for vehicles and equipment that will replace those units that have reached the end of their service life under the fleet replacement program.

The intent of the Water and Sewer vehicle replacement program is to replace vehicles/equipment using the established criteria for replacement of fleet vehicles/equipment, including age of vehicle/year purchased, mileage or hours, type of use (full-time, seasonal, emergency, non-emergency, etc.), consequences of downtime, maintenance history & costs, drivers’ evaluations, trade-in or resale values and indispensability of vehicle/equipment as a guide to guard against excessive maintenance costs and low resale values. 

The Fleet Division’s goal is to standardize vehicle acquisitions whenever possible in support of the fleet maintenance program and to operate the Village’s fleet in a fiscally responsible manner.

The new vehicle/equipment will include updated equipment closely matching the current backhoe specs, an all-wheel drive as standard equipment, not included in the replaced equipment, and a newer, cleaner, more fuel-efficient engine.

The existing backhoe will be traded in to offset the cost of the replacement vehicle.

The Equipment Replacement Analysis Report for the vehicle being replaced is on page 2 of the attached supporting documentation.

Timing Considerations

Adoption at this time will allow for delivery on a suitable schedule.

Budget Impact

The purchase of one (1) 2025 John Deere 320 P Backhoe Loader will cost $122,224.09.

Funding is provided in the Fiscal Year 2025 Water and Sewer Vehicle Replacement Fund Account No. 5040.43750.781.570750.

Funds for necessary equipment, such as cabin/workspace upfit, light bar, lift gate, etc., will also come from these accounts but will be purchased separately from vendors who supply this equipment.

Staffing Impact

There is no staffing impact associated with this item. The item aligns with the department’s core service delivery.

DEI Impact

There is no DEI impact associated with this item.

Community Input

There has been no community input given in relation to this item.

Staff Recommendation

Adopt the Resolution.


                     The vehicle includes a new vehicle warranty.

                     The new vehicle has cleaner emissions and increased fuel mileage.


                     This action requires the expenditure of funds.


Alternative 1:

The Board can table the item for additional information or discussion.


                     Board members would be presented with the additional information they requested.


                     Delays could result in the potential for more extensive repairs on the existing heavily used equipment. 

Alternative 2:

The Board can vote down the item.


                     Short-term savings on funds expenditure.


                     Staff would be required to begin the order process for vehicle replacement again.

                     There will be delayed replacement of an older Village asset.

Anticipated Future Actions

The Public Works Department anticipates bringing resolutions authorizing vehicle/equipment purchases, as authorized per the approved Water and Sewer Vehicle Replacement Fund Budget, to the Village Board when vehicles or ordering windows become available.

Prepared By: Rob Sproule, Public Works Director

Reviewed By: Jack Malec, Assistant to the Village Manager

Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager


1.                     Resolution

2.                     Supporting Documentation