Submitted By
Ahmad M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager / Interim Director of Development Customer Services
Reviewed By
Agenda Item Title
Resolutions Approving the Subrecipient Program Year (PY) 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Agreements and Authorizing their Execution
As an entitlement community, the Village of Oak Park receives an annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and uses the funds for a variety of locally-determined projects. The Village has partnered with local non-profits to disburse the Village’s CDBG allocation under the public services, public facility improvement, and administration line items. The Village is limited to allocating 15% of the annual CDBG allocation to public services and 20% to administration. The Community Development Citizen Advisory Commission (CDCAC) reviews public services, public facility improvement, and administration applications and is recommending sixteen non-profits. The Village’s PY 2023 begins on October 1st each year which coincides with the Federal Fiscal Year.
Adopt the Resolutions authorizing the execution of Program Year 2023 CDBG Agreements with the subrecipients.
As an entitlement community, the Village of Oak Park receives an annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and uses the funds for a variety of locally determined projects. The Village did not receive an Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) allocation for PY 2023.
The following CDBG Resolutions and Agreements represent the allocation of funding for all the Board- approved projects for PY 2023. The Agreements outline the terms and conditions of their grants with the Village and HUD.
CDBG - Public Services, Public Facility Improvements, and Planning/Administration:
1. Beyond Hunger - Public Service, $24,000
2. Community Support Service - Public Service, $12,000
3. Easterseals - Public Service, $5,000
4. Hephzibah Children’s Association - Public Service, $21,000
5. Hephzibah Children’s Association - Public Facility Improvement, $65,291
6. Housing Forward, Interim Housing - Public Service, $32,000
7. Housing Forward, W.R.A.P. - Public Service, $13,347
8. Housing Forward, Oak Park Coalition to End Homelessness - Administration, $40,000
9. NAMI Metro Suburban, - Public Service, $11,000
10. New Moms, Inc. - Public Service, $18,500
11. North West Housing Partnership - Public Service, $6,625
12. Infant Welfare Society, Children’s Clinic - Public Service, $25,000
13. Infant Welfare Society, Children’s Clinic - Public Facility Improvement, $35,000
14. Sarah’s Inn - Public Service, $12,000
15. Thrive Counseling Center - Public Facility Improvement, $50,000
16. UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago - Public Facility Improvement, $46,800
17. Way Back Inn - Public Service, $10,406
18. Way Back Inn - Public Facility Improvement, $11,165
19. Our Future Reads - Public Service, $7,000
20. Y.E.M.B.A. - Public Service, $21,000
21. Y.E.M.B.A. - Public Facility Improvement, $10,000
The Village invests part of its annual allocation of grant funds in Oak Park by allowing agencies to apply for a portion of funding and submit a grant proposal each program year. The Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee (CDCAC) reviews each proposal, participates in public meetings and hearings, and makes recommendations for funding levels to the Village Board of Trustees. On July 31, 2023, the Village Board approved the CDCAC-recommended CDBG funding amounts for PY 2023 applicants.
Fiscal Impact
The Village of Oak Park is an entitlement community receiving an annual grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually. There is no fiscal impact on the Village’s General Revenue Funds.
CDBG funding has capped amounts for public service and administration services. Based on the Village’s annual allocation for PY23 of $1,539,187, the allowable amount for Public Services (15%) is $230,878 and Administration (20%) is $307,837. The Village will use $207,837 of the administration funds to reimburse staff time in the CDBG program. Under HUD rules, some fair housing and planning activities can be reimbursed under the administration line item.
DEI Impact
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program requires that each activity funded, except for administration, meet one of three national objectives. The three national objectives areas: 1) benefit to low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons; 2) Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and 3) Meet a need having a particular urgency. An activity that does not meet a national objective is not compliant with CDBG requirements.
Oak Park CDBG program focuses on the first national objective which benefits low-and moderate-income persons. This objective includes the following eligible activities: Area benefit activities (LMA), Limited Clientele Activities (LMC), Housing Activities (LMH), and Job Creation and Retention Activities (LMJ).
Previous Board Action
On July 31, 2023, the Village Board approved the PY 2023 Annual Action Plan.
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
The Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee (CDCAC) reviewed the applications, held four public meetings including two meetings of applicant presentations, and developed recommendations for the PY 2023 CDBG funding. The final of these four meetings was a public hearing. There were no formal public comments at the public hearing.
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Pending the Village Board’s adoption of the Resolutions and execution of the Agreements, Program Year 2023 Subrecipients can begin incurring costs on October 1, 2023, to bill the Village for reimbursement.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities
As a member of the Cook County HOME Program Consortium, the Village submitted the PY 2023 Action Plan in partnership with Cook County.