Submitted By
Rob Sproule, Public Works Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with the Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. for Water & Sewer Division Technical and Administrative Support Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $140,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution
Since August 2018 the Eggen Consulting Group has been providing technical and administrative support to the Public Works, Water & Sewer Division. The current agreement will expire on December 31, 2024. Staff is recommending executing a 1-year agreement to assist staff with Non-Revenue Water Loss projects, the AMI System, and the design of the Village’s Lead Service Line Replacement & Inventory.
Adopt the Resolution.
James Eggen, President of the Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. and former City of Joliet Director of the Department of Utilities filled the role of Interim Water & Sewer Superintendent beginning in August 2018 until February 2021. He provided assistance with the preparation of the annual Water & Sewer fund budget as well as other technical and administrative duties including preparation of a large meter testing program and development of water loss strategies and projects.
Mr. Eggen has transitioned from managing the Water & Sewer Division to managing special non-revenue water projects and other lead abatement projects. The work assigned to Mr. Eggen includes assisting in the design of a Water Loss Control Program, which includes oversight of the large meter testing program, fixed base automatic meter reading, water meter shop development, lead water service line replacement plan & inventory, water meter resizing and upgrading, assisting in developing of the Pumping Station Capital Improvement projects as well as day to day assistance and guidance to the Water & Sewer division staff and customer support.
Staff proposes to continue this agreement for these services through the end of 2025.
Fiscal Impact
Funds for these services are available in the Water & Sewer Fund, External Support, account no. 5040-43730-101-530667.
The Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. has proposed a very competitive rate for consulting engineering. A proposal for these services is attached.
Services will average 27 hours per week for a not to exceed a total of $140,000.00 from Jan 1 to December 31, 2025.
DEI Impact
The Board can delay action to gain additional information.
Previous Board Action
On July 31, 2023, the Village Board approved a 15-month Professional Services Agreement with the Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. for these services.
Citizen Advisory Commission Action
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
Staff will continue to evaluate the need to continue these services and if so bring this item to the Village Board for consideration.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities