A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of an Asphalt Art Initiative Grant Application with Bloomberg Philanthropies and Approval of Any Subsequent Agreements and Authorizing their Execution.
This Resolution authorizes Village staff to submit a grant application for up to $100,000 for a public art installation within the Harrison Street Arts District at the intersection of Lombard Avenue and Harrison Street as well as two crosswalks at either end of the Arts District corridor.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Resolution
Prior Board Action
There is no prior Board action associated with this item.
Bloomberg Philanthropies works to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people by focusing on five key areas: the arts, education, the environment, government innovation, and public health. Encompassing all of Mike Bloomberg’s giving, Bloomberg Philanthropies includes his foundation, corporate, and personal philanthropy as well as Bloomberg Associates, a pro bono consultancy that works with mayors in cities around the world. Mike has committed the vast majority of the profits from Bloomberg L.P., the global financial technology, data, and media company that he founded in 1981, to support the work of Bloomberg Philanthropies. Bloomberg Philanthropies works to improve the lives of millions of people in more than 700 cities and 150 countries.
The Asphalt Art Initiative is being offered to cities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States with populations of 50,000 or more. The program was brought to our attention by the MetroStrategies Group working with the Village. The following information was provided regarding this grant application:
Bloomberg's Asphalt Art Initiative is awarding grants for asphalt art projects - visual art on roadways, pedestrian spaces, and public infrastructure in cities that help:
- Improve street and pedestrian safety
- Revitalize and activate underutilized public space
- Promote collaboration and civic engagement in local communities
Up to $100,000 as well as on-call technical assistance from the tactical urbanism firm Street Plans and impact evaluation support from Sam Schwartz Consulting will be provided toward the project for up to 10 winning municipalities.
Highlights and Eligible Projects include the following opportunities:
-The Village would need to partner with relevant community organization(s) - they are funding collaborative projects.
-Proposed projects should be ambitious arts-driven street designs with the goal of catalytic improvements to a key location in the city. Improving road safety, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, must be a component of all proposals. Applicants can use a variety of approaches:
-Critical Intersections: Enhancing safety, mobility, and access in crossings with concentrated pedestrian, bicycle, and/or vehicular traffic
-Major Corridors: Transforming one or more important streets to enhance the walking or cycling network, including significant reallocation of space for non-motorized transportation
-Signature Destinations: Improving access to culturally, historically, or otherwise significant locations at the neighborhood or civic scale
-Large New Public Spaces: Creating or activating plazas or other pedestrian spaces with amenities such as seating, greenery, or space for cultural programming
-Catalysts for Future Projects: Launching or expanding ongoing programs or policies (g., Vision Zero safety program, plaza program, etc.) in the city or the region
Winners of the grant will be announced in spring 2025 with projects being installed no later than December 2026.
The primary site on Harrison and Lombard previously contained an artistic street-crosswalk design on all four sides of the intersection that lasted for approximately 10 years and was recently removed due to its deterioration and a timely resurfacing initiative. The intersection is Lombard and Harrison in the Harrison Arts Business District. The area is a major intersection for the Village due to its proximity to the Dwight D. Eisenhower Expressway which extends east to west through our community just to the south of this district. This intersection is the center of the Harrison Street Arts District. This intersection which is Lombard Avenue and Harrison Street exceeds 12,000 vehicles per day. The other two secondary intersections we wish to improve are entry areas to the Harrison Street Arts District, one is at Humphrey Avenue which sees approximately 10,000 vehicles per day and the other entry intersection at Harrison Street and Ridgeland Avenue sees approximately 25,000 vehicles per day. While we do not count pedestrians, these areas are rather heavily traveled by pedestrians, due in part, to the nearby passenger train line to the City of Chicago and/or to our western suburbs, in addition to multiple restaurants and businesses in the area. Between 2019 and 2023 there have been a total of 15 crashes within 100 feet of the Lombard Avenue and Harrison Street intersection, 20 at Ridgeland Avenue and Harrison Street, and 11 at Humphrey Avenue and Harrison Street. The primary intersection will include a mural in the center with decorative crosswalks. The other two locations mentioned will include only decorative crosswalks from north to south.
Timing Considerations
The grant application is due by January 31, 2025. Winners of the grant(s) will be announced in spring 2025. Projects must be installed no later than December 2026.
Budget Impact
At this time there is no impact to the Village budget in addition to the potential $100,000 grant award.
Staffing Impact
Additional staff time will be necessary to administer this project. Current staff within Development Services, as well as Public Works, will be involved in the administration and installation of the project. The Oak Park Area Arts Council, and possibly the Harrison Avenue Arts District members, will play a role in the development and installation of the project.
DEI Impact
Design competitions for street art will be all-inclusive without discrimination or exclusion.
Community Input
The goal of this project is to add public art and aesthetic enhancements to the Business District, enhance safety by slowing traffic and encouraging driver and pedestrian awareness at the intersections, and enhance business activity while providing a beautiful artistic landscape.
Staff Recommendation
Staff Recommends Approval of this Resolution.
• If awarded, the advancement of business district enhancement relative to safety and artistry.
• A replacement of previous artistic crosswalks.
• Funding provided to offset the Village's cost of design and installation.
• Potential disruption to traffic and pedestrian usage during installation.
• Potential for additional funding request if the award is not sufficient.
Alternative 1:
The Board may choose to do nothing.
• No disruption of intersection services.
• No additional funding requests.
• No replacement of public intersection art that highlighted the Arts District.
• Lost opportunity for "no-strings" funding source for public art.
Alternative 2:
Village self-fund artistic crosswalks replicating previous artistic applications at Lombard Avenue and Harrison Street.
• Re-identify the crosswalk as significant for the Arts District.
• Provides artistic beautification of a major intersection.
• Cost to Village
• Disruption to vehicular and pedestrian activities.
Anticipated Future Actions
None, unless additional funds are required.
Prepared By: Craig Failor, Village Planner/ Planning & Urban Design Manager
Reviewed By: Emily A. Egan, Development Services Director
Approved By: Kevin J. Jackson, Village Manager
1. Grant Application Information: Go/No-go
2. Resolution
3. Letter of Support