
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 21-313    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/6/2021 Final action: 12/6/2021
Title: A Resolution Approving a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services with Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. for Design and Construction Engineering Services for Alley Improvements in 2022 in an Amount Not To Exceed $281,032 and Authorizing its Execution
Attachments: 1. Resolution TaskOrder 2022 Alley Engineering - Hancock.pdf, 2. Task Order 2022 Alley Engineering - Hancock.pdf, 3. Attachment A - Proposal 2022 Alley Engineering - Hancock.pdf, 4. 2022 Alley Improvement Map.pdf, 5. MasterAgreement forTaskOrders - Hancock.pdf

Submitted By                     

Bill McKenna, Village Engineer


Reviewed By



Agenda Item Title


A Resolution Approving a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services with Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. for Design and Construction Engineering Services for Alley Improvements in 2022 in an Amount Not To Exceed $281,032 and Authorizing its Execution





The Engineering Division requested a proposal from Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. to provide design and construction engineering for the 2022 Green Alley Improvement Project and to provide design engineering services for the future 2023 alley improvement project.  Edwin Hancock previously completed the design of the green alley project and other alley improvement projects in the Village and is most qualified to perform these services.  Design work for the green alley project would start in 2021 so that the project can be bid in February with construction starting planned to start in April.





Approve the Resolution.


Fiscal Impact

The FY2021 Budget includes funds for the $17,012 needed to complete the updates to the design of the green alley project in the Capital Improvement Fund, Public Works - Engineering, Capital Improvements, External Support account no. 3095-43780-101-530667.  The FY2022 Budget includes $275,000 for the remaining engineering and environmental work for the construction engineering for the green alley project and the design engineering of the 2023 alley project in the Capital Improvement Fund, Public Works - Engineering, Capital Improvements, Alley Improvements account no. 3095-43780-101-570964.  



The Engineering Division requested a proposal from Edwin Hancock Engineering to provide professional engineering services related to alley improvements in 2022.  The work includes updating the design of the 22-4 Alley Improvement project which includes green alleys funded through a grant, providing construction engineering for the 22-4 Alley Improvement project, and designing the future 2023 alley improvement project.  Edwin Hancock has previously completed design and construction engineering for similar alley projects in the Village and completed the design of the 2022 green alley project which only needs updating in order to be ready for bidding and is most qualified to complete this work.   Edwin Hancock is one of the four engineering consulting firms with a Master Agreement approved by the Village Board for doing projects via a task order procurement process. 


The 2022 alley project includes rebuilding ten alley segments throughout the Village of which four are green alleys.  The alleys being replaced under this contract have an average condition score of 37 with a 100 being a newly constructed alley whereas the overall system average condition score is 69.  A map showing the locations of the alleys being replaced as part of this contract is attached. 


The Village received a grant for the green alleys from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD).  The grant reimburses 37.11% of construction up to the amount of $475,000 for the total project. Green alleys feature permeable brick pavement that allows rainwater to drain into the soil rather than the village sewer system. The village has a small vein of sandy soils that allow for the more cost-effective installation of permeable pavements since the water can generally infiltrate into the sand as compared to clay-based soils. Following the IGA approved on June 17, 2019, the MWRD will disburse 50% halfway through construction and the remaining 50% at completion and after final inspection by the MWRD.


Edwin Hancock previously completed the design of the green alley project and the project was bid in 2020 but not awarded due to COVID and associated budget reductions.  The design of the project only needs updating to account for the new dates and to reflect some recent changes adjacent to the alley south of Madison east of Oak Park Avenue associated with the Oak Park Avenue resurfacing project and the Redico Senior Living Center work.  The 22-4 Alley Improvement project is anticipated to be bid in February and presented to the Board for an award in March of 2022 with construction starting soon after.


With this task order, Edwin Hancock will also be designing the future 2023 alley improvement project.  Locations for the 2023 alley project are not yet determined and will be determined this winter based on existing pavement condition records.  By starting design work in early 2022 the Village will be able to have the design work completed most cost-effectively and will allow for the project to be bid in the fall of 2022 which should result in very competitive pricing. 



The alternative to this recommendation could be to delay action to gain additional information.


Previous Board Action

On September 20, 2021, the Village Board approved a Three-Year Master Agreement with Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. for Professional Engineering Services with an Option to Renew the Agreement for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods.


On June 17, 2019, the Village Board approved an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Oak Park and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago for the Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Green Alley Improvements Project.


Citizen Advisory Commission Action



Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments

None at this time.


Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities

None at this time.