
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: RES 19-260    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/3/2019 Final action: 9/3/2019
Title: A Resolution Approving a Two Year Professional Services Agreement with the Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. for Public Works, Water & Sewer Division, Technical and Administrative Support Services and Authorizing its Execution in an Annual Amount Not to Exceed $125,000 in the First Year and $127,000 in the Second Year as Reviewed at the July 1, 2109 Reinventing Government Committee
Attachments: 1. Resolution-Eggen Consulting Group, 2. Eggen Consulting PSA, 3. Attachment-Eggen Consulting Proposal, 4. Attachment-SOS-Eggen Consulting Group
Submitted By
John P. Wielebnicki, Public Works Director

Reviewed By

Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving a Two Year Professional Services Agreement with the Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. for Public Works, Water & Sewer Division, Technical and Administrative Support Services and Authorizing its Execution in an Annual Amount Not to Exceed $125,000 in the First Year and $127,000 in the Second Year as Reviewed at the July 1, 2109 Reinventing Government Committee

Due to the Public Works Departments Water & Sewer Division Superintendent position vacancy the Department has been utilizing a firm to assist with technical and administrative support. The Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. was retained in January of this year to provide these services. This agreement will expire in September 2019. While the Superintendent position is still vacant and staff develops an in-house Professional Development Program staff is recommending executing a new two year agreement.

Approve the Resolution.

Fiscal Impact
Funds for these services are available in Water & Sewer Fund, External Support, account no. 5040-43730-101-530667. A budget transfer from available Water & Sewer Superintendent salaries and benefits to this account will be forthcoming.

The Eggen Consulting Group, Inc. has proposed maintaining the same rate of $77.00 per hour for the balance of FY2019 and then increasing the rate to $82.00 per hour in FY2020. The rate for the balance of the two year agreement in FY2021 will be $84.46 per hour (a 3.0 % increase). This is a very competitive rate for consulting engineers. A proposal for these services is attached.

Services will average 30 hours per week for a not to exceed total of $125,000.00 for the first year term and $127,000.00 for the second year.

The Public Works Department, Water & Sewer Division has been without a Superintendent since July 2018. After several attempts at re...

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