Submitted By
Ron Burke, Transportation Commission Chairperson Bill McKenna, Village Engineer
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission's Recommendations for Traffic Calming at the Intersection of East Avenue and Greenfield Street Including Upgrading from a Two-Way to Four-Way Stop and Installing Bump Outs on the South Side of East Avenue and Direct Staff to Prepare the Necessary Ordinance
At the April 11th Transportation Commission (TC) meeting, the TC reviewed a traffic calming petition for the intersection of East Avenue and Greenfield Street to address speeds on East Avenue as well as concerns about pedestrian safety as the intersection is one block to the east of St. Giles Church and School which means there's not only more traffic but also more students and people walking through the intersection. The TC recommended upgrading the intersection from 2-way STOP signs to all-way STOP signs at the intersection, upgrading the crosswalk markings on the southern leg from regular to high visibility pavement markings, deploy portable speed radar signs at the intersection, and implement temporary bump outs on the southern leg of the intersection via the paint and post treatment.
Approve the Motion.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the Motion.
Fiscal Impact
Staff estimates it will cost less than $1,000 to install the additional STOP signs and pavement markings at the intersection. The FY2023 Budget includes funds for this work in the General Fund, Public Works - Street Services, account no. 1001-43740-761-560634. There is minimal costs for the curb bump outs at this location since the Village is already intending on replacing the curbs and sidewalk ramps as part of the upcoming 23-2 Resurfacing of Various Streets Project in order to make the sidewalk ramps compliant with the ADA requirements. T...
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