Submitted By
Bill McKenna, Village Engineer
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving a Contract with Suburban Concrete, Inc. for Project 23-3, Sidewalk Improvements, in an Amount Not to Exceed $250,000 and Authorizing its Execution
Competitive bids from two contractors were opened on September 17, 2023 for the Sidewalk Improvements Project. The low compliant bid was submitted by Suburban Concrete, Inc. in an amount of $253,300. The low bid is over the budgeted amount of $250,000 and it is therefore recommended to award the contract at the budgeted amount of $250,000 and reduce the scope of work to fit the budget amount.
Adopt the Resolution.
This project includes the replacement of approximately 11,250 square feet of sidewalks (about 425 sidewalk squares), as well as additional quantities for curbs, driveway apron replacement, and other items associated with this concrete work. Sidewalk replacement will take place at numerous locations throughout the Village but is predominately for sidewalk replacements along the east-west streets in the south half of the Village this year. A map showing general locations for sidewalk replacement is included in the agenda item materials.
Sidewalk locations have been prioritized based on a sidewalk survey conducted by the Engineering Division staff. Staff surveys approximately one-sixth of the Village each year with work focused in the south half of the village this year. Sidewalks which have elevation differences of 1/2" or more between adjacent slabs are scheduled for replacement in order to remove barriers for persons with disabilities or elderly in order to improve accessibility. A typical sidewalk square (26.5 sq. ft.) costs about $411 to replace. The Village covers 100% of the cost for replacement for the majority of sidewalks identified in our surveys. Homeowners can do additional side...
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