Submitted By
Kira Tchang, Assistant Village Manager/HR Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving and Adopting the 2023 Special Event Fees
Pursuant to the Village Code, the Village Board reviews the Special Event fees each year. Fees are updated based on wage changes as provided in applicable collective bargaining agreements or as directed by the Village Board via the annual budget process.
Approve the Resolution
On January 28, 2019, the Village Board updated Chapter 30 ("Special Events") of the Municipal Code, to provide that annually, the Village shall issue a fee schedule for Village personnel, services, and equipment required for a special event. The code provides such schedule shall be based upon the Village's adopted budget, applicable employee wages and benefits as determined by the applicable collective bargaining agreements, and appointee pay plan schedules for Village employees. A recommended 2023 schedule is attached which will also include prior years' information.
On November 21, 2022, the Village Board adopted an Ordinance amending Chapter 30 ("Special Events" of the Municipal Code to provide a discount for certain special event fees which was designed to provide pandemic-related relief to non-profit and other community partners who conduct special events. This discount consists of a waiver of 25% of the cost of labor and materials for events held in 2022 and 2023. Those waivers will occur upon the final billing of events and are not reflected in the recommended fee schedule.
In addition to updated fees, staff has recently made updates to the permitting system (Cityview) designed to improve the Special Events permitting process and will be conducting a Special Events orientation meeting for event holders in Q1 of 2023.
Fiscal Impact
All fees have been reviewed and updated consistently with the adopted FY23 budget. Wages have also ...
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