A Resolution Authorizing the Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $1,811,680.00 for the Maintenance of Streets in the Village of Oak Park for Fiscal Year 2025
The Village receives a monthly distribution of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The Illinois Highway Code requires that each municipality receiving MFT funds use those funds for the limited purposes described in the Highway Code. This item is for those approved uses related to the costs of labor and materials for construction and maintenance of the public right of way. The Village is required to adopt a Resolution that obligates its share of MFT funds to one or more of the approved purposes set forth in the Highway Code.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Resolution.
Prior Board Action
The Village Board has approved similar Resolutions in prior years.
The "Estimate of Maintenance Costs" attachment itemizes approved uses of $1,811,680.00 in Motor Fuel Tax funds. The attachment proposes using the funds for salaries and overtime related to public works operations in the public right of way, the purchase of salt, and electricity for street lighting as described more fully in the Attachment.
IDOT is charged with supervising and approving the Village's expenditure of MFT funds. IDOT will review the Resolution, indicate its approval, and return it to the Village.
Timing Considerations
There are no specific timing considerations associated with this item.
Budget Impact
The Fiscal Year 2025 Budget provides for an expenditure of $1,811,680.00 based on the expected MFT revenue funds in 2025. The Resolution for this item provides for the approval of the $ $1,811,680.00 MFT funds for maintenance purposes.
The balance of the MFT funds may be used for the Village's local share of other Federally funded street improvements.
Staffing Impact
There is no staffing impact associated with ...
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