An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Owned by the Village of Oak Park
Village departments have vehicles and equipment that may be disposed of once they are no longer usable to the Village. These vehicles and equipment will be reassigned, sold at auction, traded in, consigned, or disposed of as scrap.
Recommended Action
Adopt the ordinance.
Prior Board Action
The Board has approved ordinances for disposing of vehicles, materials, and equipment as they become necessary.
In accordance with Village policy and State law (65 ILCS 5/11-76-4), the Village may, by Ordinance, authorize the disposition of designated personal property (as opposed to real property) to dispose of vehicles and materials no longer usable to the Village.
Items on the attached "Exhibit A" will be disposed of via internet auction, traded in, or consigned. The Village has found success using internet auctions for the disposal of these items. If the items are not sold, they will be disposed of as scrap. Vehicles may be traded in if there is interest and if the value is that which could be estimated at auction.
The Village has used the auction site "Public Surplus," an auction forum specifically for public agencies to list items for auction. There is no cost to the Village to post items on this website. The buyer is charged 10% over their bid for the service. The link to the website is as follows:
The vehicles/equipment listed in Exhibit A are candidates for disposal based on the criteria established for the fleet replacement program.
Each year, the Village allocates funds for the annual replacement of vehicles in the Fleet Replacement Fund. The Public Works Department manages the budget for vehicles that will replace the units no longer usable to the Village under the fleet replacement program.
The fleet replacement program inte...
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