Submitted By
Ahmad M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager / Interim Director of Development Customer Services
Reviewed By
Agenda Item Title
An Ordinance Updating and Replacing the Map Codified as Part of Section 15-1-26 of the Oak Park Village Code to Reflect the Village's Current Time Restrictions, Time Limits, and Prohibited Parking Areas
Based on recent Transportation Commission recommendations and Board approval, staff presents the Village's Daytime Parking Restrictions Map to the Village Board for codification. This proposed map identifies all existing on-street daytime parking restrictions, inclusive of all approved changes to date.
Adopt the Ordinance.
Pursuant to the Village Code, the Board of Trustees establishes parking regulations, which are primarily captured in Chapter 15. In addition, it is necessary, on a bi-annual basis, that the Village Board approves a comprehensive street map of the Village which identifies all existing daytime parking restrictions, inclusive of changes recommended to date by the Transportation Commission and authorized by the Board.
Attached is the current "Village of Oak Park Daytime Parking Restrictions" map. The map shows the following on-street daytime parking restrictions: 1.) Time Restrictions (Example - No Parking Monday - Friday 8 am - 10 am, not inclusive of weekly street cleaning restrictions within the on-street overnight permit parking areas); 2.) Time Limits (Example - Maximum parking of 2 hours Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm); 3.) Resident daytime permit parking; 4.) Non-resident daytime permit parking (Example - Student permits as established in 15-3-18 of the Village Code.); and 5.) No parking anytime.
The Daytime Parking Restrictions map does not include parking restrictions that are traffic safety-related (Example - "No Parking Here to Corner" locations, crosswalks, and driveways). Further, the Daytime Parking Restrictions ...
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