A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission's Recommendation and Approve the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study.
At the October 28, 2024, Transportation Commission (TC) meeting, the TC recommended approving the Madison Street Corridor Traffic Study. The study reviewed pre and post road diet traffic and safety issues on Madison, Jackson, Washington, and the side streets which connect to Madison Street. In general, the study did not find a significant increase in traffic or safety concerns within this corridor but the study includes recommendations for traffic calming on sections of Washington and Jackson and on side streets south of Madison to address potential concerns for cut-through traffic. Pending Village Board approval, recommended improvements would be implemented with future capital improvement projects.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Motion.
Prior Board Action
* At the Village Board meeting on November 26, 2018, the Village Board had a presentation and discussion of the Madison Traffic Study (ID 18-1042).
In 2019, the Village of Oak Park completed a road diet project that reconfigured Madison Street from Harlem to Austin, eliminating one of the two through lanes in each direction and reallocating that space to build new bike lanes, improved pedestrian crossings, and new shared turn lanes. Prior to the road diet, a traffic study was completed to predict how the project would affect traffic.
In 2018 the Engineering Division completed a traffic study to predict the traffic impacts of the proposed road diet project since the existing traffic volumes on Madison Street were at the high end for creating a road diet and exceeded recommended traffic volumes for road diets during peak hours at many of the signalized intersections. The 2018 study predicted increased congestion on Madison during peak hours and diversion of traffic from Madison to the parallel st...
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