Submitted By
John Youkhana, Interim Parking and Mobility Services Director
Agenda Item Title
Parking Discussion for North Avenue & Roosevelt Road, Including Adjacent Areas
At the January 23, 2017 Village Board Special Meeting, the Board approved a format and a schedule to discuss parking issues. This is the fifth topic in the series. For this specific meeting, the parameters were set as Roosevelt Road to Harvard Street and North Avenue to Berkshire Street.
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
At the conclusion of all of the Special Meetings on Parking, staff will bring forward a summary sheet of all the recommendations provided during these sessions, unless otherwise directed by the Village Board during the meeting.
The following recommendations were reviewed with the Transportation Commission. This was prior to the amended work plan of the Transportation Commission which will now also include additional public outreach.
In advance of each Village Board Special Meeting, staff collects comments pertaining to the particular study area. These comments are attached.
(A)On-Street Daytime Parking Time Restrictions:
1. Staff recommends standardizing all daytime restrictions to 'No Parking 8AM-10AM M-F.'
This recommendation is in keeping with the prior recommendations for other parking areas. This includes changing all 'No Parking Anytime' to be standardized to 'No Parking 8AM-10AM M-F', unless a street is too narrow or the restriction was implemented as part of a traffic safety plan (i.e. a safety plan example is Austin Blvd "No Parking 7am-9am").
This recommendation is an effort to consolidate signage and improve understanding of parking restrictions. Standardization of daytime restrictions will simplify the process for residents, visitors, business operators and Village operations.
Other regulations that would change with this recommendation include, No Parking 7 am-9 am, No Parking 8 am-10am M-F, No Parkin...
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