
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: ORD 25-111    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Regular Agenda
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article 7 ("Sign Code") relative to Eliminating references to the Community Design Commission in the Oak Park Village Code
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Sign Code
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article 7 ("Sign Code") relative to Eliminating references to the Community Design Commission in the Oak Park Village Code

At the direction of the Village President, in order to improve efficiency of citizen commissions, application reviews, and staff time, the proposed Sign Code Text Amendment is meant to eliminate the Community Design Commission from the Sign Code and replace it with the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Recommended Action
Staff Recommends Approval of this Agenda Item.
This is a companion agenda item with ORD 25-110 (Zoning Ordinance) and ORD 25-112 (Village Code).
Prior Board Action
There is no prior Board action associated with this item.
The proposed Sign Code text amendments are meant to eliminate the Community Design Commission and their responsibilities from this code and reassign the sign variance responsibilities to the Zoning Board of Appeals. This initiative is occurring due to direction from the Village President in order to improve the efficency of citizen commissions, application reviews, and staff time.
Timing Considerations
It is anticpated that if this text amendment is approved prior to what would be the regularly scheduled Community Design Commission meeting in late February, if possible. Sign variance applications can be scheduled for the Zoning Board of Appeals' regularly scheduled March 5, 2025 creating a seamless transition, provided the text amemdents are approved at the March 4, 2025 Village Board meeting.
Budget Impact
There is no budget impact associated with this item.
Staffing Impact
Three (3) Village staff members will be positively impacted by this change: the Zoning Administrator, the Village Planner, and the Forestry Superintendent. The Zoning Administrator supports the Community Design Commission regarding Sign Variance and Design Appeals application procedures. If the text amendment is approved, these ...

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