A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Green Infrastructure Partnership Program Application for the 2026 Green Alleys Project
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) recently released a call for applications for funding for projects to install green infrastructure with applications due March 7, 2025. Staff reviewed future projects already identified in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan to determine what projects would be the best candidates for applying for these funds. Staff recommends submitting an application for a project which includes the construction of up to six permeable alleys in 2026.
Recommended Action
Adopt the Resolution.
Prior Board Action
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The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) announced they would be accepting applications for the Green Infrastructure (GI) Partnership Program to help fund projects that reduce wet-weather flows to combined sewer systems. Examples of typical green infrastructure projects are permeable pavements, rain gardens, bioswales, etc. The Village has previously been awarded MWRD GI funds for the Public Rain Garden project, multiple green alley projects, and the Lot 10 improvement project.
Staff reviewed projects identified in the current 5-year CIP to determine which projects would be a best fit for an MWRD funding application. Staff identified alley improvements as the project that best fit with the grant's objectives. Staff determined potential green alley locations by identifying alleys already planned for replacement in 2026 or 2027 based on their pavement condition which are also located in areas that likely have sandy soils. Final locations will be determined following a review of geotechnical soil investigations. A project location map is attached.
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