A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant Application to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal to Rehabilitate Station 3 and Approval of any Subsequent Agreements and Authorizing their Execution
Approval to apply for Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal, Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant to offset some cost of approved renovation of Station 3 (900 S. East Ave).
Recommended Action
Approve the request to move forward, complete the application, and apply for the maximum awardable amount of $350,000. There are no matching funds required with the award of this grant.
Prior Board Action
There is no prior Board action associated with this item.
The Village Board has already approved the renovation of Station 3. If awarded, these funds would be used to offset monies that have already been approved for this capital project. The grant has been researched and is being supported through the Village grant consultant, Metro Strategies Group. The Village utilizes Metro Strategies Group to prospect and apply for grant opportunities.
The renovation of Station 3 will include better insulation, more efficient HVAC mechanicals, improved sealing of windows, and the addition of ceiling installation. If awarded, this grant will offset expenses, allowing for the reinvestment of funds to other initiatives.
The grant aligns with the Village Board Goal 2, Priority 6, Ensure a Healthy Work Environment for Village Workers, by improving Village facilities for employee comfort and building efficiency.
Timing Considerations
The grant submission deadline is February 28, 2025
Budget Impact
There are no budget impacts. No matching funds are required.
Staffing Impact
There is no staffing number impact associated with this item.
DEI Impact
There is no DEI impact associated with this item.
Community Input
There has been no community i...
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