An Ordinance Amending the Table of Contents for Article 12 ("Ordinance Administrators"), Amending Article 5 ("Commercial Districts"), Amending Article 7 ("Design Standards") and Amending Article 12 ("Ordinance Administrators") of the Oak Park Zoning Ordinance Regarding the Community Design Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals
At the direction of the Village President, in order to improve efficiency of citizen commissions, development reviews, and staff time, the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment is meant to merge the Community Design Commission with the Zoning Board of Appeals and other commissions and staff processes.
Recommended Action
Staff supports and recommends this Ordinance be approved.
This agenda item is a companion with ORD 25-111 (Sign Code), and ORD 25-112 (Village Code)
Prior Board Action
There is no prior Board action associated with this item.
The proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendments are meant to merge certain functions of the Community Design Commission with the Zoning Board of Appeals and eliminate all references to the Community Design Commission within the Zoning Ordinance. This initiative is occurring due to direction from the Village President in order to improve the efficiency of citizen commissions and staff time thereby merging commission processes, e.g. sign variance applications. In a greater examination of the Community Design Commission functions, other responsibilities of theirs will go to other entities; e.g. The Cavalcade of Pride Awards program would become a function of the newly created Neighborhood Services Department, participation with public infrastructure improvement project would become the responsibility of the Plan Commission. These changes will occur within the enabling regulations within in the Village Code.
Timing Considerations
It is anticipated that this text amendment will be approved prior to what would be the re...
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