Submitted By
Rob Sproule, Public Works Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving the Renewal of the Independent Contractor Agreement with CityEscape Garden & Design LLC for Village Wide Container Seasonal Display and Maintenances Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $111,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution
This agenda item is for the Container Seasonal Display and Maintenance Services for 2023. It is proposed to renew the existing agreement with CityEscape Garden & Design LLC, of Chicago, IL. This is the second of two annual renewals included in the original agreement. The Village contracts for the installation and maintenance of plant material in approximately 530 containers across multiple business districts.
Adopt the Resolution.
The Village maintains the landscaping in multiple business districts across the Village. Village staff, business owners, and residents place high importance on the quality and cleanliness of their business districts. Part of providing a high-quality unified streetscape design across the Village is the installation and maintenance of plant material in approximately 530 above-ground, movable landscape containers.
City Escape Garden & Design LLC was the low responsive bidder for this contract when the work was bid out in November 2020. They have completed this type of work for the Village in the past including in 2022. They are a quality contractor who provides excellent service. Village staff is requesting to exercise the second of the two possible renewals outlined in the original contract.
The Container Seasonal Display program work begins in May with a cleanup and installation of perennial and annual planting materials in 530 containers across multiple business districts. Staff request that the plants included in the containers are suitable to the location, are aesthetically pleasing, are native material...
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