
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: ORD 23-8    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 5/15/2023 Final action: 5/15/2023
Title: Concur with the Environment and Energy Commission and Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 ("Public Health") of the Oak Park Village Code to Add a New Article 8 ("Single-Use Plastic Foodware and Polystyrene Food Packaging")
Attachments: 1. Ordinance Single-Use Plastics, 2. Presentation_VOP_Plastics-Ordinances, 3. VOP Community-Engaged Policy Design Process, 4. VOP_Single-Use Plastics Survey Memo_2023-05, 5. Engage Oak Park - Plastics Survey, 6. 2023-04-10-Single-use-plastics-postcard-QRv2, 7. Proposed Single Use Plastics Restaurant Sign, 8. OP Green Business Technical Support Program, 9. Guidance for Food Service Products (San Mateo Foodware Aware Program), 10. Policy-Matrix_Plastic-Reduction_20230206
Submitted By
Marcella Bondie Keenan

Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager

Agenda Item Title
Concur with the Environment and Energy Commission and Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 ("Public Health") of the Oak Park Village Code to Add a New Article 8 ("Single-Use Plastic Foodware and Polystyrene Food Packaging")

The Single-Use Plastic Ordinance will require most food establishments to provide single-use plastic foodware items only upon customer request or at a self-service station for any delivery or takeout order. The Single-Use Plastic Ordinance will also prohibit food establishments from using polystyrene foam food packaging products by 2024.

In 2022, Village staff initiated the Oak Park Green Business technical assistance program, in partnership with the Illinois Green Business Program and Smart Energy Design Assistance Center. This program will continue to support local small businesses in transitioning away from single-use plastic and reducing energy and water use, in order to achieve cost savings and reduce negative environmental impact.

Adopt the Ordinance.

An estimated twenty-two million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes every year (Hoffman & Hittinger, 2017, Marine Pollution Bulletin). Plastic released into the environment deteriorates into plastic fragments; fragments less than five millimeters long are considered "microplastics" (Zhang et al., 2021, Environmental Pollution). Microplastics can pass through water filtration systems and be consumed by humans and wildlife (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association, NOAA). Single-use plastic products may contain endocrine disrupters that alter hormone functioning (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH), create litter, and degrade wildlife habitats (UN Environmental Programme, 2021, From Pollution to Solution: A global assessment of marine litter and plastic pollution).

In 2022...

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