Submitted By
Rob Sproule, Public Works Director
Reviewed By
A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with H&H Electric Co. for Street Lighting System Rehabilitation Project for 2023 in an Amount Not to Exceed $60,000.00 and Authorizing Its Execution
Two Street Light Control cabinets were proposed for replacement in 2022 based on age and condition. Bids for the work came in significantly over budget. Additional funds were allocated in 2023 to complete the project. Staff recommends approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with H&H Electric Co. to complete the project.
Adopt the Resolution.
The Public Works Department Street Lighting Division staff typically makes in-house repairs to the street lighting system. When in-house staff is unavailable or lacks the necessary equipment to perform repairs or improvements, an outside contractor is utilized to complete the work.
In 2022, Staff requested a bid for Street Light System Rehabilitation projects including the replacement of two Street Light control cabinets (Maple / Roosevelt and Marion / Randolph). These cabinets are proposed for replacement based on their age and condition. Pricing was requested from area electrical contractors and the RFP was also posted on the Village website. The Street Lighting Division received one bid in response to the Street Light System Rehabilitation Project. The proposed bid exceeded the staff's estimated cost for the project in 2022 but represented a reasonable project price. Staff budgeted additional 2023 CIP funds of $50,000 so the work can be completed, and H & H was willing to hold the pricing for 2023. Staff recommends entering into an independent contractor agreement with H & H Electric Co. with a not to exceed the amount of $60,000.00 for the two control cabinets outlined in the original proposal plus ...
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