Submitted By
Ahmad M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager
Reviewed By
Lisa Shelley, Deputy Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
Update Regarding Traffic Safety Improvements at the Intersection of Chicago Avenue and Scoville Avenue
Per a request from Trustee Wesley and seconded by Trustee Straw, Village staff was directed to explore safety improvements at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Scoville Avenue. This direction was in response to a traffic accident involving a bicyclist on August 21, 2023.
Staff Recommendation
Discussion Only.
Per a request from Trustee Wesley and seconded by Trustee Straw, staff prepared an informational update for the Village Board regarding planned traffic safety improvements at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Scoville Avenue.
On August 21, 2023, an accident involving a bicyclist occurred at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Fair Oaks/Scoville Avenue. A memo providing additional detail regarding the accident and steps taken since that time is attached to this agenda item for reference.
At the July 5, 2023 Village Board meeting, the Village Board approved a Contract with R.W. Dunteman Company for Project 23-2, Resurfacing of Various Streets, in an amount not to exceed $2,877,840. This construction contract includes the construction of safety improvements at the Chicago & Scoville/Fair Oaks intersection. The improvements consist of:
* curb bump-outs at the four corners to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians and to discourage vehicles from trying to drive around other vehicles that have stopped for pedestrians or bikes crossing Chicago Avenue;
* bike and pedestrian activated flashing beacons to help pedestrians and cyclists safely cross Chicago Avenue;
* enhanced striping of the crosswalks and bike lanes crossing Chicago Avenue; and
* advanced warning signage regarding the crossings.
An exhibit depicting the improvements is provided as an attachmen...
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