
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

Meeting Name: President and Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 10/16/2017 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MOT 17-240 1A. MotionMotion to Approve Minutes from October 2, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Village Board.approvedPass Action details Video Video
ID 17-662 1X. ProclamationMotion to Approve Proclamation for A Day of Remembrance in Honor of Barbara FurlongadoptedPass Action details Video Video
ID 17-656 1B. ReportReceipt of the 2017 Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs (IPLAN) Five Year Community Health Plan as recommended by the Board of Health and Director of Public Health and scheduling its discussion for November 6, 2017.   Action details Video Video
ID 17-661 1C. ReportReceipt of the Traffic Calming Toolbox as Recommended by the Transportation Commission and Scheduling its Discussion for November 6, 2017.   Action details Video Video
RES 17-603 1M. ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with The Lakota Group, Inc., for Phase 2 Landscape Design and Planning Services for the Lake Street Streetscape and Infrastructure Improvement Project in an Amount not to Exceed $131,370 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 17-274 1D. OrdinanceSecond Reading and Adoption of An Ordinance Amending Chapter 8 (“Business Licensing”) of the Oak Park Village Code to add a new Article 38 (“Massage Establishments and Massage Services”)tabledPass Action details Video Video
RES 17-675 1E. ResolutionA Resolution Setting Halloween “Trick or Treat” Hours from 3:00 P.M. To 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 31, 2017adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD 17-272 1F. OrdinanceConcur with the Zoning Board of Appeal’s Recommendation and Adopt an Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Operate a Private School with an Accessory Day Care Center at 6936-6950 Roosevelt Road.adoptedPass Action details Not available
ORD 17-275 1H. OrdinanceAn Ordinance Declaring Surplus Revenue in the Village of Oak Park Downtown Tax Increment Finance District Special Tax Allocation Fund for the 2016 Tax Year and Authorizing the Payment of that Surplus Revenue to the Cook County Treasurer for Distribution to Affected Tax Districts on a Pro-Rata BasisadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-659 1I. ResolutionA Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Path Construction Company, Inc. for Lombard Avenue Bridge Expansion Joint Repairs in an Amount not to Exceed $28,850.00 and Authorizing its Execution.adoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-661 1J. ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Ciorba Group Inc. for a Pump Station Energy Study in an Amount not to Exceed $27,804.00 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-662 1K. ResolutionA Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Independent Contractor Agreement with Oak Brook Mechanical Services, Inc. for Emergency HVAC Repairs in Amount for a New Not to Exceed Amount of $35,000.00 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-663 1L. ResolutionA Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Marketing Services Agreement (MSA 1736)adoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-666 1O. ResolutionA Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement for Assessment of Fair Housing with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and Intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding for a Regional Assessment of Fair Housing and Authorizing their ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-667 1P. ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Patrick Engineering Inc., for Land Surveying Services for Project No. 17-08, Local Street Improvement Projects, in an Amount not to exceed $29,745 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-669 1R. ResolutionA Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with G.A. Paving Construction, Inc. for Snow Plowing and Salting of Village Leased/Owned Parking Lots and Back-up Snow Removal for Public Streets for the 2017/18 Snow Season in an Amount Not to Exceed $196,880 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-671 1S. ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement with Speer Financial, Inc. as the Village’s Municipal Bond Advisor for Bond Issuances and Other Related Services and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
RES 17-674 1T. ResolutionA Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in Workers’ Compensation Case Number 2016 WC 15644adoptedPass Action details Not available
MOT 17-236 1U. MotionA Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission’s Recommendation to Install a STOP Sign on Forest Avenue for Northbound Traffic at Greenfield Street and Direct Staff to Prepare the Necessary Ordinance and to Install a Temporary Bump-Out on Greenfield Street at Forest AvenuedeniedFail Action details Video Video
ORD 17-273 1G. OrdinanceConcur with the Zoning Board of Appeal’s Recommendation and Adopt an Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to operate a Day-Care Center at 6441 North Avenue.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
RES 17-665 1N. ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Purchase Price Agreement with Zones, Inc. for the Acquisition of Computer Workstations and Monitors in an Amount not to Exceed $44,380.68 and Authorizing its ExecutionadoptedPass Action details Video Video
MOT 17-237 1V. MotionA Motion to Refer an Appeal of the Revocation of the Business License of Austin Pantry Located at 1 Chicago Avenue to a Special or Existing Hearing Board for Review and Setting a Date Certain for the HearingapprovedPass Action details Video Video
RES 17-677 1Q. ResolutionA Resolution Approving Amendments to Appendix VII (“Appointee Pay Plan Schedule”) of the Personnel Manual for the Village of Oak ParkadoptedPass Action details Video Video
MOT 17-241 1W. MotionA Motion to Approve the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2018-2022) as Reviewed by the Finance Committee of the Village Board on September 11th, September 12th, and September 19th and at a Special Meeting of the Village Board on September 25thapprovedPass Action details Video Video