123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Agenda  
President and Board of Trustees  
Monday, September 18, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Village Hall  
A Regular Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., to begin in Council Chambers (Room  
201). The Village Board is expected to adjourn immediately into Executive  
Session and move to Room 130. The Board will reconvene the Regular Meeting  
at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers (Room 201).  
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Public comments may be made by  
individuals at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are reviewed.  
If you wish to make a statement, please complete the "Request to Address the Village  
Board" form which is available at the back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff  
table at front. When recognized, approach the podium, state your name first, and  
please limit your remarks to three minutes.  
Instructions for Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of a Village Board  
meeting for persons to make public comments about an issue or concern which is not  
on the meeting agenda. It is not intended to be a dialogue with the Board. Send a  
request to state your comments by 5:00 p.m. the day of the Village Board meeting to  
publiccomment@oak-park.us or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the  
meeting. Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30 minutes with a limit of three  
minutes per comment. If comment requests exceed 30 minutes, public comment will  
resume after the items listed under the agenda are complete.  
Instructions for Agenda Public Comment  
Public comments are allowed for an agenda item. Persons are asked to email a  
request to speak during the meeting to publiccomment@oak-park.us no later than 5:00  
p.m. prior to the start of the meeting or make a request at the meeting with the Village  
Clerk. You may also call the Village Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the  
meeting. Agenda public comment will be limited to three minutes per person per  
agenda item with a maximum of three agenda items to which you can speak. In  
addition, a maximum of five persons can speak to each side of any one topic that is  
scheduled for or has been the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body.  
These items are noted with (*).  
I. Call to Order  
II. Roll Call  
III. Consideration of Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Pending  
IV. Adjourn Executive Session  
V. Reconvene to Regular Meeting in Council Chambers and Call to Order  
VI. Roll Call  
VII. Agenda Approval  
VIII. Minutes  
Motion to Approve Minutes from Regular Meeting of September 5, 2023 of  
the Village Board.  
This is a motion to approve the official minutes of meetings of the Village  
IX. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
X. Proclamation  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation Proclaiming Tuesday, September 19, 2023 as  
National Voter Registration Day.  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman proclaiming September 19, 2023  
as National Voter Registration Day.  
XI. Village Manager Reports  
Update on the Status of the Pete’s Fresh Market on Madison Street  
Pete’s Fresh Market will be giving an update to the Village Board on the development  
Update on Motion Regarding Cashless Businesses  
Cashless businesses have been an increasing topic of discussion for many  
municipalities as it relates to concerns around equity. Staff will discuss the diversity,  
equity, and inclusion (DEI) impact of cashless businesses and provide a  
Review of the Village Board Meeting Calendar for September and October  
Calendars are presented for the purpose of highlighting the Special Meeting  
topics. These topics are based on adopted Village Board Goals and/or prior  
Village Board direction.  
XII. Village Board Committees & Trustee Liaison Commission Reports  
This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved minutes from a recent  
Committee meeting of the Village Board, the minutes will be posted in this section.  
XIII. Citizen Commission Vacancies  
This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens Involvement Commissions.  
Residents are encouraged to apply through the Village Clerk’s Office.  
Board & Commission Vacancy Report for September 18, 2023.  
XIV. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair  
Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to the Village Clerk  
and then forwarded to the Village President for recommendation. If any appointments  
are ready prior to the meeting, the agenda will be revised to list the names.  
A Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:  
Building Codes Advisory Commission - Macey Majkrzak, Appoint as Member  
Community Development Citizen Advisory Committee - Nicholas Mann,  
Appoint as Member  
Community Relations Commission - William C Coats, Appoint as Member  
Disability Access Commission - Jess P Westbrook, Appoint as Member  
XV. Consent Agenda  
A Resolution Approving a Change Order in the Amount of $12,100 to the Renewal of  
the Annual Software License and Support and Maintenance Agreement dated  
December 15, 2014, with CityView, a Division of N. Harris Computer Corporation, to  
Add Animal Control Services to Increase the Not to Exceed Amount from  
$196,509.44 to $208,609.44 and Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 2 to the  
License and Support Agreement  
The proposed change order provides for the incorporation of animal control services  
into the Village’s comprehensive permitting, licensing and inspection software,  
CityView. Specifically, the modifications will streamline the animal license application  
process, reunite lost animals with their owners and track interactions between  
owners and the Village’s Animal Control Officer, including any necessary  
enforcements measures.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of an Illinois Environmental Protection  
Agency Green Infrastructure Grant Application for Permeable Parking Lanes and  
Rain Gardens as Part of the Oak Park Avenue Streetscape Project  
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) announced a call for Green  
Infrastructure Grant applications for projects to construct green infrastructure that  
reduce stormwater runoff. Staff recommends submitting an application to cover 75%  
of the costs associated with green infrastructure being proposed with the future Oak  
Park Avenue Streetscape project generally for permeable parking lanes and rain  
gardens. ..End  
A Resolution Approving a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services with V3  
Companies, Ltd. for Design Engineering Services for the 24-8 Parking Lot 10  
Improvement Project in an Amount Not to exceed $92,488 and Authorizing its  
The Engineering Division requested a proposal from V3 Companies to provide design  
engineering services for Project 24-8, Parking Lot 10 Improvements. V3 has previously  
provided design engineering services for the Village and has available, qualified staff  
to oversee the design of the project. The project, planned for construction in spring of  
2024, includes reconstruction of Lot 10 with permeable pavements, lighting and  
electrical improvements, sidewalk improvements, and some streetscaping elements.  
A Resolution Approving a Bailiff Services Agreement with Frank Esposito to Act as a  
Bailiff for the Village of Oak Park for a Four-Month Period and Authorizing its  
The proposed agreement provides for the Village’s second bailiff, who provides  
contractual security services during administrative adjudication hearings. The Village  
has historically had two contracted bailiffs.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Siemens  
Industry, Inc. for the Public Works Center Air and Fan Motor Balancing Project in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $30,000.00, Authorizing its Execution and Waiving the  
Village’s Bid Process for the Agreement  
A Building Automation System (BAS) is used for controlling the Public Works Center’s  
Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning system (HVAC). The building controls,  
software, firmware and all other associated components are proprietary Siemens  
components, and Siemens is the sole-source provider of the system. The BAS  
software and firmware were recently upgraded and the proposed agreement  
provides for Siemens to conduct a fan motor and air balancing study of the entire  
system and make any necessary adjustments.  
A Resolution Approving a Purchase Price Agreement with Traffic Control  
Corporation for Traffic Control Materials in an Amount not to Exceed $45,000.00 in  
Fiscal Year 2023, Authorizing its Execution and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for  
the Agreement  
The Street Lighting Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for  
maintaining, repairing and upgrading the street traffic control systems in the Village.  
Traffic Control Corporation is the sole source supplier of the needed materials and  
parts which necessitates a waiver of the Village’s bid process for the agreement.  
A Resolution Approving a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services with  
Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for Design Engineering Services for the 24-1 Water and  
Sewer Improvement Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $107,900 and Authorizing  
its Execution  
The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department requested a proposal from  
Baxter & Woodman to provide design engineering for the 24-1 Water and Sewer  
Improvement Project. Baxter & Woodman has previously designed similar projects  
and has substantially completed design for one of the project’s locations, which was  
originally planned for 2023 construction but was deferred to 2024. The project  
includes water and sewer replacement and street reconstruction on South Boulevard  
from Home Avenue to Kenilworth Avenue; sewer replacement and street  
reconstruction on Linden Avenue from Augusta Street to Thomas Street; and sewer  
lining on Woodbine Avenue from Division Street to Greenfield Street and on Ontario  
Street from East Avenue to Scoville Avenue.  
A Resolution Setting Halloween “Trick or Treat” Hours from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  
on Tuesday, October 31, 2023  
The resolution sets “trick or treat” hours in the Village from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on  
Tuesday, October 31, 2023.  
A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission’s  
Recommendations for Traffic Calming at the 400 block of Berkshire Street  
and 400 block of Greenfield Street  
At the July 11, 2023 Transportation Commission (TC) meeting, the TC reviewed  
a traffic calming petition for the 400 block of Berkshire Street and 400 block of  
Greenfield Street. On Berkshire Street, the TC recommended installing  
pavement markings to stripe the parking lane on the south side of Berkshire  
and installing a paint and post neckdown midblock. On Greenfield Street, the  
TC recommended installing a paint and post neckdown just east of Rossell  
Resolutions Approving the Subrecipient Program Year (PY) 2023 Community  
Development Block Grant (CDBG) Agreements and Authorizing their Execution  
As an entitlement community, the Village of Oak Park receives an annual Community  
Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing  
and Urban Development (HUD) and uses the funds for a variety of locally-determined  
projects. The Village has partnered with local non-profits to disburse the Village’s  
CDBG allocation under the public services, public facility improvement, and  
administration line items. The Village is limited to allocating 15% of the annual CDBG  
allocation to public services and 20% to administration. The Community Development  
Citizen Advisory Commission (CDCAC) reviews public services, public facility  
improvement, and administration applications and is recommending sixteen  
non-profits. The Village’s PY 2023 begins on October 1st each year which coincides  
with the Federal Fiscal Year.  
XVI. Regular Agenda  
A Resolution Approving the Renewal of a Master Service Agreement with Peerless  
Network, Inc., formerly known as Call One Inc., to Provide Voice and Data Circuit  
Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $70,000.00 and Waiving the Village’s Bid  
Process for the Renewal  
The telephone copper service is a component of the Village’s radio communication  
system and essential for Fire, Police, and Public Works operations. Peerless Network,  
Inc. (formerly Call One Inc.) has been providing radio circuit service on a  
month-to-month basis until this Village’s system is migrated to West Suburban  
Consolidated Dispatch Center’s (WSCDC) StarCom radio system. The proposed  
agreement extends this arrangement through April 2024.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Application to the Metropolitan  
Mayors Caucus for Supporting Municipalities for Asylum Seeker Services (SMASS) in  
Partnership with the Illinois Department of Human Services with a Requested  
Funding Amount of $7,500,000  
Staff is requesting the Village Board adopt a Resolution authorizing the submission of  
a grant application to the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus for $7,500,000 in requested  
funding to provide for the distribution and management of aid for new arrivals via the  
Supporting Municipalities for Asylum Seeker Services (SMASS), in partnership with the  
Illinois Department of Human Services.  
Concur with the Historic Preservation Commission and Adopt An Ordinance  
Denying a Certificate of Appropriateness to Build Two Dormer Additions and  
Two Skylights at 312 North East Avenue located within the Frank Lloyd  
Wright - Prairie School of Architecture Historic District  
The Applicants / Homeowners, Lucia Marker-Moore and Brad Bare, submitted  
a Certificate of Appropriateness to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)  
for review and approval of two dormer additions and two skylights. The HPC  
denied the Certificate of Appropriateness for both dormers and both skylights  
for 312 North East Ave, as they found that the larger dormer addition and  
skylights were not in compliance with the Architectural Review Guidelines. The  
Historic Preservation Ordinance provides the Applicant the option to appeal  
this decision to the Village Board.  
Concur with the Plan Commission and Adopt an Ordinance Amending Article 2  
(“Definitions & Rules of Measurement”), Article 8 (“Uses”) and Article 14 (“Zoning  
Approvals”) of the Oak Park Zoning Ordinance Regarding Adaptive Reuse Permit  
In response to an emergence of abandoned religious structures, Village staff initiated  
a Zoning Ordinance text amendment for Adaptive Reuse Permits which would permit  
additional land uses within these buildings after a public hearing process. *This  
agenda item has been UPDATED with research and recommendations relative to  
parking options for Adaptive Reuse Permit uses. See attached memorandum and  
XVII. Call to Board and Clerk  
XVIII. Adjourn