123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Agenda  
President and Board of Trustees  
Tuesday, July 9, 2024  
7:00 PM  
Village Hall  
A Regular Meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.  
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Public comments may be made by  
individuals at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are  
discussed. If you wish to provide public comment, complete the "Instructions to  
Address the Village Board" form which is available at the back of the Chambers and  
present it to the Village Clerk at the Board table. When recognized, approach the  
podium and state your name first. If you wish to provide comment by virtual means,  
contact the Village Clerk's Office prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting by calling  
708-358-5670 or by email to publiccomment@oak-park.us. Your camera must remain  
on while speaking. Please limit your remarks to three minutes.  
Instructions for Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of a meeting for  
individuals to speak about an issue or concern that is not on that meeting's agenda. It is  
not intended for a dialogue with the Board. Non-agenda public comment is limited to 30  
minutes with a limit of three minutes per person. If non-agenda public comment exceed  
30 minutes, public comment will resume after the items listed under the regular agenda  
are complete. See instructions above on how to provide public comment.  
Instructions for Agenda Public Comment  
Comments are three minutes per person per agenda item with a maximum of three  
agenda items on which an individual may speak. In addition, the Village Board permits  
a maximum of five persons to speak on each side of any one topic which is scheduled  
for or has been the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body. These  
items are noted with (*). See instructions above on how to provide public comment.  
I. Call to Order  
II. Roll Call  
III. Agenda Approval  
IV. Minutes  
A Motion to Approve Minutes from the June 11, 2024 Regular Meeting and  
June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Village Board  
This is a motion to approve the official minutes of meetings of the Village  
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
VI. Proclamation  
VII. Village Manager Reports  
VIII. Village Board Committees & Trustee Liaison Commission Reports  
This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved minutes from a recent  
Committee meeting of the Village Board, the minutes will be posted in this section.  
IX. Citizen Commission Vacancies  
This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens Involvement Commissions.  
Residents are encouraged to apply through the Village Clerk’s Office.  
Board & Commission Vacancy Report for July 9, 2024  
X. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair Appointments  
Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to the Village Clerk  
and then forwarded to the Village President for recommendation. If any appointments  
are ready prior to the meeting, the agenda will be revised to list the names.  
A Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:  
Building Codes Advisory Commission - Aaron Vanderbilt, Appoint as Member  
Civic Information Systems Commission - Thomas Ptacek, Appoint as Member  
Historic Preservation Commission - Paul E. Ribera, Appoint as Member  
Housing Programs Advisory Committee - Keith Spencer, Appoint as Chair  
Housing Programs Advisory Committee - Andrea Krieg, Appoint as Member  
XI. First Reading  
A First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 (“Motor Vehicles and  
Traffic”), Article 3 (“Parking Meters, Parking Permits, and Municipal  
Attendant Parking Lots”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Establish a $0.25  
per Kilowatt-Hour (kWh) User Fee for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations  
Owned and Operated by the Village of Oak Park Pursuant to the Village  
Board’s Direction at Its May 14, 2024 Meeting  
Pursuant to the Village Board’s direction at its May 14, 2024 meeting, staff  
prepared an Ordinance to establish a user fee of $0.25/kWh for the Village’s  
publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. As part of future  
budget discussions, staff intends to analyze and evaluate potential revisions to  
this fee structure and potential revenue sharing options with the Sustainability  
Fund to help finance initiatives outlined in the Village’s Climate Action Plan,  
Climate Ready Oak Park.  
XII. Consent Agenda  
A Motion to Approve the Bills in the Amount of $7,139,065.48 from June 3,  
2024, through June 28, 2024  
Attached is the regular list of bills paid through the Village’s accounts payable  
system from June 3, 2024, through June 28, 2024. Also attached is the Payroll  
June 2024 payroll summary report.  
A Resolution Approving a Parking Lot Temporary License Agreement with  
Careful Peach Boutique for a One-Day Bastille Day Event on July 13, 2024  
This is a Parking Lot License Agreement that authorizes Careful Peach  
Boutique to use two (2) parking spaces in Lot 10 at the corner of Marion Street  
and North Boulevard for a one-day event on July 13, 2024.  
Concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals’ Recommendation and Adopt an  
Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Attach Wireless  
Telecommunications Antennas at 715 Lake Street  
The applicant, DISH Wireless, proposes to attach wireless telecommunications  
antennas atop 715 Lake Street. The subject building holds numerous other  
telecommunication antennas installed by other telecommunications firms.  
Concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals’ Recommendation and Adopt an  
Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Attach Wireless  
Telecommunications Antennas at 408 South Oak Park Avenue  
The applicant, AT&T Mobility, proposes to attach wireless telecommunications  
antennas atop 408 South Oak Park Avenue, the location of the Oak Park Arms  
Senior Community. The applicant also requested a variance for height from  
the Oak Park Zoning Ordinance. This variance was granted by the Zoning Board  
of Appeals.  
An Ordinance Granting an Extension of the Waiver and Suspension of the  
Right of Way Obstruction Permit Fee and Parking Obstruction Fee for the  
Planned Development Located at 839 Madison Street  
The approved construction logistics plan for the 839 Madison (Oak Park  
Commons Intergenerational Cohousing) development includes the obstruction  
of a total of thirteen (13) public parking spaces within the adjacent right of  
way on Madison Street and Carpenter Avenue. The developer was granted a  
waiver of the applicable right of way obstruction permit fee and parking  
obstruction fee for the period of August 14, 2023, through January 14, 2024.  
However, construction did not commence until May 1, 2024 and the waiver  
was not needed until then. The developer now requests an extension of the  
waiver and suspension for the period of May 1, 2024, through September 30,  
A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in  
Workers’ Compensation Case Number 2023 WC 17151  
It is requested that the Village Board authorize the execution of a settlement  
agreement in Workers’ Compensation Case Number 2023 WC 17151.  
XIII. Regular Agenda for Items Pursuant to Village Code Chapter 3 Alcoholic  
Liquor Dealers or Related  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 (“Alcoholic Liquor Dealers”), Article 1  
(“General Provisions”), Section 3-1-1 (“Definitions”), Article 4 (“Term and  
Classification”), Section 3-4-2 (“Classification and Number of Liquor Licenses  
and Fees”), and Article 8 (“List of Licenses for Each License Class”), Section  
3-8-1 (“Number of Licenses Permitted to be Issued Per License Class”) and  
Section 3-8-2 (“Licenses by Name and Address Per License”) of the Oak Park  
Village Code for the Issuance of a Class B-7 Residential Care Facility Liquor  
License to American House Illinois Liquor, LLC DBA American House  
The proposed Ordinance creates a new Residential Care Facility Class B-7  
liquor license classification and grants a Class B-7 license to American House  
Illinois Liquor, LLC DBA American House.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 3 (“Alcoholic Liquor Dealers”), Article 8  
(“List of Licenses for Each License Class”), Section 3-8-1 (“Number of Licenses  
Permitted to be Issued Per License Class”) and Section 3-8-2 (“Licenses by  
Name and Address Per License”) of the Oak Park Village Code for the  
Issuance of a Restaurant Class B-1 Liquor License to Eleven-Thirty Chicago,  
Inc., DBA Penny’s Oak Park  
The proposed Ordinance grants a Restaurant Class B-1 liquor license to  
Eleven-Thirty Chicago, Inc., DBA Penny’s Oak Park  
XIV. Regular Agenda  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 (“Public Health”), Article 7 (“Garbage,  
Weeds and Littering”), Section 20-7-2 (“Storage and Collection of Garbage,  
Refuse, Yard Waste and Recyclable Materials for Residential Buildings  
Containing Five Units or Less; Storage and Collection of Yard Waste for All  
Buildings”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Provide a One-Time Leaf  
Collection Program Credit  
This Ordinance proposes a one-time credit of $29.04 for all residential refuse  
collection program participants to be applied on the last bill of the 2024.  
$29.04 is equal to 12 months of the monthly fee residents pay for the annual  
fall leaf program.  
XV. Call to Board and Clerk  
XVI. Adjourn