Trustee Straw said he would be in favor of tabling this piece and asking Dr.
Walker to come back with a DEI assessment. President Scaman and
Trustee Wesley said they would support that as well. Manager Jackson
agreed a DEI assessment would be valuable.
A friendly amendment was made to remove the word "affirmative" and
include language requiring remote public comment to be on-camera with a
subsequent DEI assessment.
It was moved by Trustee Robinson, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this
Resolution be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was
as follows:
6 -
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Parakkat,
Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village Trustee Wesley
1 - Village Trustee Enyia
A Motion to Direct Village Staff to Draft a Policy for Village Board
Consideration Regarding the Honorary Designation of Village Streets,
Facilities, and Business Districts in Recognition of Individuals, Including Dr.
Percy Julian, and Programs, Purchases and Initiatives in Recognition of
Trustee Robinson said she is interested in developing pathways to honor
Dr. Julian and having staff develop a policy to address this and get formal
guidelines. She recommends posthumous honoring a resident who has
made significant contributions, the meaning being focused on an area of
the village that has a geographical relationship to the honoree, and
requiring it be approved by a super majority of the Board. She said she
likes the idea of an application fee to cover the signage costs.
Trustee Parakkat noted the original motion was around celebrating Percy
Julian and he would need to dig in more to expand the focus to a broader
frame. He suggested having a specific commission evaluate it before it
comes to the Board.
Trustee Wesley said he does not want this process to hold up the honoring
of Percy Julian. He suggested a historic district named in his honor.
Trustee Straw agreed that he does not want the process to delay honoring
Percy Julian. He said he thinks there is merit to creating a process for
honoring individuals.
President Scaman said she is opposed to honoring streets after
individuals other than Percy Julian. She suggested the Village create a
program with the Oak Park Area Arts Council to create murals in the
community. She noted former Trustee Moroni wanted to see bronze
sculptures in the community of famous residents.
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this Motion