123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Agenda  
President and Board of Trustees  
Tuesday, June 20, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Village Hall  
Regular Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m., in Council Chambers (Room 201). The Village  
Board is expected to adjourn immediately into Executive Session and Reconvene the  
Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.  
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Public comments may be made by  
individuals at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are reviewed. If  
you wish to make a statement, please complete the "Request to Address the Village  
Board" form which is available at the back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff  
table at front. When recognized, approach the podium, state your name first, and please  
limit your remarks to three minutes.  
Instructions for Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of a Village Board  
meeting for persons to make public comments about an issue or concern which is not  
on the meeting agenda. It is not intended to be a dialogue with the Board. Send a  
request to state your comments by 5:00 p.m. the day of the Village Board meeting to  
publiccomment@oak-park.us or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30 minutes with a limit of three minutes  
per comment. If comment requests exceed 30 minutes, public comment will resume  
after the items listed under the agenda are complete.  
Instructions for Agenda Public Comment  
Public comments are allowed for an agenda item. Persons are asked to email a request  
to speak during the meeting to publiccomment@oak-park.us no later than 5:00 p.m.  
prior to the start of the meeting or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Agenda public comment will be limited to three minutes per person per agenda item with  
a maximum of three agenda items to which you can speak. In addition, a maximum of  
five persons can speak to each side of any one topic that is scheduled for or has been  
the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body. These items are noted with  
I. Call to Order  
II. Roll Call  
III. Consideration of Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Personnel  
IV. Adjourn Executive Session  
V. Reconvene to Regular Meeting in Council Chambers and Call to Order  
VI. Roll Call  
VII. Agenda Approval  
VIII. Minutes  
Motion to Approve Minutes from Regular Meeting of May 15, 2023 and  
Special Meeting of May 22, 2023 of the Village Board.  
This is a motion to approve the official minutes of meetings of the Village  
IX. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
X. Proclamation  
A Motion to Approve a Resolution Honoring Development Customer  
Services Director Tammie Grossman on the Occasion of Her Retirement.  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman’s resolution honoring  
Development Customer Services Director Tammie Grossman on her retirement.  
A Motion to Approve the Village of Oak Park Juneteenth Legacy Resolution  
Acknowledging the Contributions and Leadership of Longtime Oak Parkers  
Juanta Bennett Griffin and Anthony Clark in Organizing the Community’s  
Annual Juneteenth Celebrations.  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman Resolution honoring Oak  
Park Juneteenth Longtime Oak Parkers Juanta Bennett Griffin and Anthony  
XI. Village Manager Reports  
Review of the Village Board Meeting Calendar for June, July and August  
Calendars are presented for the purpose of highlighting the Special  
Meeting topics. These topics are based on adopted Village Board Goals  
and/or prior Village Board direction.  
XII. Village Board Committees & Trustee Liaison Commission Reports  
This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved minutes from a recent  
Committee meeting of the Village Board, the minutes will be posted in this section.  
XIII. Citizen Commission Vacancies  
This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens Involvement Commissions.  
Residents are encouraged to apply through the Village Clerk’s Office.  
Board & Commission Vacancy Report for June 20, 2023.  
XIV. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair Appointments  
Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to the Village Clerk and  
then forwarded to the Village President for recommendation. If any appointments are  
ready prior to the meeting, the agenda will be revised to list the names.  
A Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:  
Community Design Commission - Seth Jansen, Appoint as Member  
XV. Consent Agenda  
A Motion to Receive the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial  
Report (ACFR) and Supporting Documents as Reviewed at the Special  
Board meeting on June 12, 2023  
On June 12, 2023, a Special Board meeting was held to review and discuss the  
independent annual audit (ACFR) and related reports such as the management  
communication letter, for the year ending December 31, 2022. This action is  
the formal acceptance of the audit and related reports by the Village Board.  
Village staff must submit the audit to the State of Illinois and other interested  
parties by June 30, 2023.  
A Motion to Receive the Fiscal Year 2022 Single Audit Report as Reviewed  
at the Special Board meeting on June 12, 2023  
As required by Federal and State granting agencies, in any fiscal year that the  
Village expends $750,000 or more in Federal grant proceeds (which either  
originate from the Federal government or are distributed as a pass-through via  
a State or County government agency), a single audit is mandatory. The Single  
Audit was performed by Sikich LLP at the same time that the regular financial  
audit was completed and must be filed 30 days after the Single Audit is  
received from the auditor or nine months after the fiscal year end (September  
30, 2023), whichever occurs first.  
Upon acceptance by the Village Board, the Single Audit will be formally  
submitted to the Federal Clearinghouse as required.  
A Motion to Approve the May 2023 Monthly Treasurer’s Report for All  
The unaudited May 31, 2023, report is hereby presented pursuant to 65 ILCS  
5/3.1-35-45 summarizing the Village’s cash and investment balances.  
Concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals and Adopt an Ordinance  
Granting a Special Use Permit for a Reception/Banquet Facility located at  
6435 North Avenue  
The Applicant, Chetranda Grey, seeks a special use permit to operate a  
Reception/Banquet Facility on North Avenue in the NA Zoning District. The  
Applicant received prior special use permit approval by the Village Board for  
only one year.  
A Resolution Approving Program Year (PY) 2023 Funding  
Recommendations and Releasing the Draft PY 2023 Action Plan for Public  
As part of the five-year Program Year (PY) Consolidated Plan for Housing and  
Community Development “Con Plan” that guides decisions for allocating  
Community Development Block Grant funds, the Village has prepared the draft  
PY 2023 Action Plan which includes proposed CDBG activities that the  
Community Development Citizen Advisory Commission (“CDCAC”)  
recommended and that the Board is now being asked to approve.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in Cook  
County Circuit Court Case Number 2020 L 001872  
It is requested that the Village Board authorize the execution of a settlement  
agreement in Cook County Circuit Court Case Number 2020 L 001872.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with  
Nafisco, Inc. for the Fabrication and Installation of Parking Signage in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $187,701.00 and Authorizing Its Execution  
On March 20, 2023, the Village Board approved Ordinance 23-23, codifying the  
expansion of several components of the Village’s 2019 Parking Pilot Program.  
These pilot program components include but are not limited to expanding the  
standardized 3-hour daytime parking restriction as well as expanding the street  
frontages designated for overnight on-street residential permit parking. The  
proposed Independent Contractor Agreement provides for the fabrication and  
installation of signage for the first phase of daytime restriction signage as well  
as the expanded overnight on-street permit parking signage.  
A Resolution Approving a Purchase Price Agreement with Air One  
Equipment, Inc. for the Purchase of Fire Hoses in an Amount Not to Exceed  
$45,025 and Authorizing its Execution.  
The Fire Department issued an Invitation to BID on May 15, 2023. The bid process  
produced three (3) bids, of which Air One Equipment, Inc. had the lowest price  
for the exact product listed. Staff is recommending that Air One Equipment, Inc.  
be selected as the vendor for the Fire Department to purchase fire hoses as  
needed during the 2023 fiscal year.  
A Resolution Approving an Extension of an Independent Contractor  
Agreement with Thrive Counseling Center for an Additional Six-Month  
Term in an Amount Not to Exceed $79,560 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Village’s current agreement with Thrive Counseling Center expires June 30,  
2023. The agreement is for an additional six (6) month term from July 1, 2023,  
to December 31, 2023.  
A Resolution Approving the Work Plan of the Village of Oak Park Aging in  
Place Commission for 2023  
Each year, the Village Board reviews and approves work plans for the Village of  
Oak Park Commissions and Boards. Back in March of this year, the Village  
Board approved the 2023 Commission and Board work plans, except the Aging  
in Place Commission. The Aging in Place Commission’s proposed 2023 work  
plan is presented here for consideration.  
A Resolution Approving a Parking Lot Temporary License Agreement With  
Careful Peach Boutique for a One-Day Bastille Day Event on July 8, 2023,  
and Authorizing its Execution  
This is a Parking Lot License Agreement that would authorize Careful Peach  
Boutique to use two (2) parking spaces in Lot 10 at the corner of Marion Street  
and North Blvd for a one-day event on July 8, 2023.  
A Resolution Approving a Contract with Morrison Construction Company,  
Inc. for Project 23-12, North and South Pumping Station Upgrades, in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $396,500 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Engineering Division opened bids for Project 23-12, North and South  
Pumping Station Upgrades. The project includes rebuilding four existing older  
pumps at the north and south pumping stations and replacing worn-out check  
valves, couplings, and flow switches at these stations in order to improve  
pumping efficiencies and ensure reliability. Five contractors picked up bid  
documents and three bids were received. The lowest responsible bid was  
submitted by Morrison Constriction Company in an amount of $396,500, which  
is over the budgeted amount for this project. There are available funds from  
deferred projects to cover the additional costs. Construction work is planned  
to start this fall following the completion of work in the central pump station  
and last until 2024 due to long lead times on materials.  
A Resolution Approving the Rebuilding of One Truck Through the Purchase  
and Installation of Certain Equipment from Lindco Equipment Sales, a  
Division of Viking-Cives, through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program  
in an Amount Not to Exceed $119,740.00 and Waiving the Village’s Bid  
Process for the Purchase  
The FY2023 Fleet Replacement Fund budget includes the rebuilding of one  
salter truck, which consists of the replacement of the current salter body, plow,  
V-Box salt spreader, and replacement of associated electronics and hydraulics.  
The equipment will be purchased from and installed by Lindco Equipment Sales  
a Division of Viking-Cives. This purchase will be made through the Sourcewell  
Joint Purchasing Program, an opportunity for governments to leverage and pool  
resources for better pricing.  
XVI. Regular Agenda  
A Resolution Adopting the American Library Association’s Freedom to  
Read Statement and Declaring the Village of Oak Park as a Book Sanctuary  
This is a resolution adopting the American Library Association’s Free to Read  
Statement and declaring the Village of Oak Park a book sanctuary community.  
A book sanctuary collects and protect endangered books; make those books  
broadly accessible; host book talks and events, including sparking  
conversations about diverse characters and stories; and educate others on the  
history of book banning and burning.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 (“Public Health”), Article 8  
(“Single-Use Plastic Foodware and Polystyrene Foam Packaging”), Section  
20-8-4 (“Polystyrene Foam Packing Prohibited”) and Section 20-8-6  
(“Penalty”) of the Oak Park Village Code  
The Single-Use Plastic Ordinance, adopted by the Board on May 15, 2023, will  
prohibit food establishments from using polystyrene foam food packaging  
products by January 1, 2024. Staff will support restaurants in complying with  
the ordinance through the Oak Park Green Business program, a partnership  
with the Illinois Green Business Program and Smart Energy Design Assistance  
Center. This amendment includes provides additional language concerning the  
enforcement process for the prohibition on polystyrene packaging.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Renewal of the  
Independent Contractor Agreement with C.D.E. Body Shop II, Inc. for 2023  
Auto Body Repairs to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $25,000.00  
to $55,000.00, Authorizing its Execution and Directing Village Staff to  
Prepare the Necessary Budget Amendment  
In February of 2021, the Village entered into an agreement with C.D.E. Body  
Shop II, Inc. for 2021 auto body repairs due to accidents in the amount of  
$25,000.00, with the option to renew for two years. The contract was renewed  
for the second time in 2023 with a not to exceed amount of $25,000.00. In  
2023, significant body damage repairs have been required. It is proposed to  
increase the “not to exceed” amount for the renewal from $25,000.00 to  
$55,000.00. This would allow the contractor to complete vehicle accident  
repairs if needed.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 1 (“Building Code”)  
of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council  
Building Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building and electric  
codes to attract construction growth by accepting current trends and  
implementing more modern approved materials and safer building practices.  
The Building Code Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village  
Board adopt the 2021 editions of the International Code Council Building Code  
with decreased number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s  
building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 2 (“Existing  
Building Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021  
International Existing Building Code as Recommended by the Building Code  
Advisory Commission  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building codes to attract  
construction growth by accepting current trends and implementing more  
modern approved materials and safer building practices. The Building Code  
Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village Board adopt the 2021  
editions of the International Code Council Existing Building Code with  
decreased number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s  
building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 3 (“Electric Code”)  
of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2020 National Electric Code as  
Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building codes to attract  
construction growth by accepting current trends and implementing more  
modern approved materials and safer building practices. The Building Code  
Advisory Commission is recommending the Village Board adopt the 2020  
editions of the International Code Council National Electric Code with a  
decreased number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s  
building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 4 (“Mechanical  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Mechanical Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building codes to attract  
construction growth by accepting current trends and implementing more  
modern approved materials and safer building practices. The Building Code  
Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village Board adopt the 2021  
editions of the International Code Council Mechanical Code with a decreased  
number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s building code  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 5 (Fire Code) of the  
Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council Fire  
Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building codes to attract  
construction growth by accepting current trends and implementing more  
modern approved materials and safer building practices. The Building Code  
Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village Board adopt the 2021  
editions of the International Code Council Fire Code with a decreased number  
of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 6 (“Residential  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Residential Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building codes to attract  
construction growth by accepting current trends and implementing more  
modern approved materials and safer building practices. The Building Code  
Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village Board adopt the 2021  
editions of the International Code Council Residential Code with a decreased  
number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s building code  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 11 (“Fuel Gas  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Fuel Gas Code as Recommended by the Building Advisory  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building and electric  
codes to attract construction growth by accepting current trends and  
implementing more modern approved materials and safer building practices.  
The Building Code Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village  
Board adopt the 2021 editions of the International Building Code with  
decreased number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s  
building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Building”) of the Oak Park Village  
Code to Adopt a New Article 16 (“Energy Code”) to Adopt the 2021  
International Code Council Energy Code as Recommended by the Building  
Code Advisory Commission  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building and electric  
codes to attract construction growth by accepting current trends and  
implementing more modern approved materials and safer building practices.  
The Building Code Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village  
Board adopt the 2021 editions of the International Building Codes with a  
decreased number of amendments to simplify and streamline the Village’s  
building code process.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 15 (“Pool Code”)  
of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council  
Swimming Pool and Spa Code as recommended by the Building Code  
Advisory Commission.  
The Village periodically reviews and adopts updated building and electric  
codes to attract construction growth by accepting current trends and  
implementing more modern approved materials and safer building practices.  
The Building Code Advisory Commission is recommending that the Village  
Board adopt the 2021 editions of the International Building Code  
XVII. Call to Board and Clerk  
XVIII. Adjourn