123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Minutes  
President and Board of Trustees  
Tuesday, June 20, 2023  
6:30 PM  
Village Hall  
I. Call to Order  
Village President Vicki Scaman called the Regular Meeting to order at  
6:32 P.M.  
II. Roll Call  
Trustee Wesley joined the Meeting at 6:39 P.M.  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
III. Consideration of Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Personnel  
It was moved by Trustee Enyia, seconded by Trustee Buchanan, to Adjourn into  
Executive Session. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as  
6 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, and Village Trustee Straw  
1 - Village Trustee Wesley  
V. Reconvene to Regular Meeting in Council Chambers and Call to Order  
The Regular Meeting reconvened at 7:50 P.M.  
VI. Roll Call  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
VII. Agenda Approval  
It was moved by Trustee Enyia, seconded by Trustee Robinson, to approve the  
Agenda. A voice vote was taken and the motion was approved.  
VIII. Minutes  
Motion to Approve Minutes from Regular Meeting of May 15, 2023 and  
Special Meeting of May 22, 2023 of the Village Board.  
It was moved by Trustee Enyia, seconded by Trustee Wesley, to approve the  
Minutes. A voice vote was taken and the motion was approved.  
IX. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Kathleen O’Malley: Elected officials are failing us. Violence is getting  
worse. Must take action to address funeral processions and keep citizen  
safety top priority. Emailed petition of 1,037 signatures. Asked OPPD and  
Village Board to enforce laws. Requested the Village Board contact her.  
Robin Scharpf: Kids were leaving Fenwick when the funeral procession  
shootings took place. What are the leaders doing to restore safety and  
mitigate the risks associated with gang-affiliated funeral processions?  
Does the Gun Free School Zone Act of 1990 apply?  
Village Clerk Christina Waters read the following public comment into the  
Anonymous: Submitted anonymous comment for the June 12 meeting.  
Trustee Buchanan laughed and said "Of course" and laughed at a  
resident's comment about leaving Oak Park for its DEI policies. Trustees  
are required to refrain from comment. When will the police committee of  
funeral processions meet? What recommendations have been  
implemented? Why is Village Board not addressing the shortfall of police  
Trustee Buchanan responded that she and other Trustees heard the "Of  
course" comment come over the PA system. She does not know who said  
it and she clarified that it was not her.  
X. Proclamation  
A Motion to Approve a Resolution Honoring Development Customer  
Services Director Tammie Grossman on the Occasion of Her Retirement.  
All Trustees, President Scaman, and Clerk Waters read the Proclamation  
into the record.  
Development Customer Services Director Tammie Grossman expressed  
her appreciation.  
The Trustees and Manager Jackson each expressed their appreciation.  
It was moved by Trustee Enyia, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this Motion  
be approved. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
A Motion to Approve the Village of Oak Park Juneteenth Legacy Resolution  
Acknowledging the Contributions and Leadership of Longtime Oak Parkers  
Juanta Bennett Griffin and Anthony Clark in Organizing the Community’s  
Annual Juneteenth Celebrations.  
President Scaman read the Proclamation into the record.  
Trustees Straw, Enyia, Wesley, and President Scaman thanked Juanta  
Griffin and Anthony Clark for their activism and engagement in the  
Juanta Griffin expressed her appreciation and a desire for everyone to be  
safe in our Village.  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Enyia, that this Motion be  
approved. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
XI. Village Manager Reports  
Review of the Village Board Meeting Calendar for June, July and August  
Village Manager Kevin Jackson shared the calendars and noted the Board  
goal setting dates of July 10, 11, 17, and tentatively the 20th. There is no  
meeting July 24. There is a meeting July 31. There are no meetings in  
Police Chief Shatonya Johnson provided a history and update on OPPD's  
response to the issue of high-risk funeral processions driving through Oak  
Chief Johnson responded to the Trustees' questions. OPPD typically has  
officers present throughout the route. OPPD will meet with funeral directors.  
She read the five recommendations from the Cook County taskforce that  
disbanded in 2019. Schools are not notified of funeral processions.  
Alcohol or rowdy behavior violations can be enforced though it would be  
difficult to stop a vehicle in the procession. OPPD is looking at solutions for  
enforcement and is committed to public safety. There have been 195  
funerals in the past five years. OPPD will meet more frequently with funeral  
homes and have conversations with CPD to determine if fines can be  
imposed on funeral homes. Traffic stops and the processions proceed  
through the lights and stop signs. OPPD does make traffic stops and  
needs to be practical about when and how it makes them. Drivers are not  
required to register their license plate to receive the orange funeral vehicle  
sticker. If there is a report of reckless driving, OPPD sends a notification  
but not a citation because OPPD can't be certain the registered owner was  
driving the vehicle.  
President Scaman encouraged residents to continue emailing the Village  
with their concerns. Manager Jackson said the Village intends to be  
proactive and systematic and strategic in dealing with this issue going  
forward and there will be regular communication.  
XII. Village Board Committees & Trustee Liaison Commission Reports  
There were no comments.  
XIII. Citizen Commission Vacancies  
Board & Commission Vacancy Report for June 20, 2023.  
There were no comments.  
XIV. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair Appointments  
A Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:  
Community Design Commission - Seth Jansen, Appoint as Member  
President Scaman read the name into the record.  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this Report  
be approved. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
XV. Consent Agenda  
Approval of the Consent Agenda  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Enyia to approve the items  
under the Consent Agenda. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote  
was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
A Motion to Receive the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial  
Report (ACFR) and Supporting Documents as Reviewed at the Special  
Board meeting on June 12, 2023  
This Motion was approved.  
A Motion to Receive the Fiscal Year 2022 Single Audit Report as Reviewed  
at the Special Board meeting on June 12, 2023  
This Motion was approved.  
A Motion to Approve the May 2023 Monthly Treasurer’s Report for All  
This Motion was approved.  
Concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals and Adopt an Ordinance  
Granting a Special Use Permit for a Reception/Banquet Facility located at  
6435 North Avenue  
This Ordinance was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving Program Year (PY) 2023 Funding  
Recommendations and Releasing the Draft PY 2023 Action Plan for Public  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in Cook  
County Circuit Court Case Number 2020 L 001872  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with  
Nafisco, Inc. for the Fabrication and Installation of Parking Signage in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $187,701.00 and Authorizing Its Execution  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving a Purchase Price Agreement with Air One  
Equipment, Inc. for the Purchase of Fire Hoses in an Amount Not to Exceed  
$45,025 and Authorizing its Execution.  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving an Extension of an Independent Contractor  
Agreement with Thrive Counseling Center for an Additional Six-Month  
Term in an Amount Not to Exceed $79,560 and Authorizing its Execution  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving the Work Plan of the Village of Oak Park Aging in  
Place Commission for 2023  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving a Parking Lot Temporary License Agreement With  
Careful Peach Boutique for a One-Day Bastille Day Event on July 8, 2023,  
and Authorizing its Execution  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving a Contract with Morrison Construction Company,  
Inc. for Project 23-12, North and South Pumping Station Upgrades, in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $396,500 and Authorizing its Execution  
This Resolution was adopted.  
A Resolution Approving the Rebuilding of One Truck Through the Purchase  
and Installation of Certain Equipment from Lindco Equipment Sales, a  
Division of Viking-Cives, through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program  
in an Amount Not to Exceed $119,740.00 and Waiving the Village’s Bid  
Process for the Purchase  
This Resolution was adopted.  
XVI. Regular Agenda  
A Resolution Adopting the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read  
Statement and Declaring the Village of Oak Park as a Book Sanctuary  
Manager Jackson introduced the Item.  
Oak Park Public Library (OPPL) Executive Director Joslyn Bowling Dixon  
presented the Item and responded to questions from the Trustees. Director  
Dixon said the resolution is to ensure access is not prohibited to any  
ideologies and it adopts the American Library Association's Bill of Rights  
Freedom to Read Act. OPPL has a collection development policy and  
does not exclude any viewpoints.  
President Scaman and Trustees Parakkat and Straw expressed their  
support of the resolution.  
It was moved by Trustee Buchanan, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this  
Resolution be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
6 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Parakkat,  
Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village Trustee Wesley  
1 - Village Trustee Enyia  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 (“Public Health”), Article 8 (“Single-Use  
Plastic Foodware and Polystyrene Foam Packaging”), Section 20-8-4  
(“Polystyrene Foam Packing Prohibited”) and Section 20-8-6 (“Penalty”) of  
the Oak Park Village Code  
Manager Jackson introduced the Item.  
Clerk Waters read the following public comment into the record:  
Michelle Mascaro, owner of Happy Apple Pie Shop: Asks the Village  
Board to move the implementation date of the ordinance banning use of  
Styrofoam containers from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2025 in order for  
the Village to flesh out an implementation plan to help small businesses  
comply with the ban.  
Deputy Village Manager Ahmad Zayyad presented the Item.  
Trustee Buchanan inquired why enforcement will not start in January.  
Manager Jackson responded that for a new program, it is not unusual to  
encourage voluntary compliance, do a period of education and outreach,  
and then step up enforcement starting with a notice and then a citation. Dr.  
Chapple responded that universal education will begin immediately with  
businesses and clarified that the January 1, 2025 date is for businesses  
with less than $500,000 annual income.  
Trustee Parakkat said he knows restaurants are making an effort to make  
the transition and he is concerned about the impact of complaints against  
businesses that are not complying.  
Trustee Enyia asked if the Village can recommend vendors to small  
businesses. Deputy Manager Zayyad said the Village is working with a  
nonprofit organization that will help businesses find resources to buy  
alternatives to Polystyrene.  
Trustee Buchanan said Styrofoam has been a known horrible polluting  
substance for years and she is not sympathetic to businesses who have  
purchased two years' worth of it and she wants it to be enforced as soon as  
It was moved by Trustee Parakkat, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
6 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Enyia, Village Trustee Parakkat, Village  
Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village Trustee Wesley  
1 - Village Trustee Buchanan  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Renewal of the  
Independent Contractor Agreement with C.D.E. Body Shop II, Inc. for 2023  
Auto Body Repairs to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $25,000.00  
to $55,000.00, Authorizing its Execution and Directing Village Staff to  
Prepare the Necessary Budget Amendment  
Manager Jackson introduced the Item.  
Public Works Director Rob Sproule presented the Item.  
Trustee Straw inquired why repair expenses have increased this year.  
Director Sproule responded that there isn't any specific trend. The Village  
is able to use the revenue it receives from an uninsured driver involved in  
an accident, though there are fewer uninsured drivers now. Vehicles are  
also costing more to repair. Attorney Stephanides added that the Village is  
experiencing difficulties collecting from uninsured drivers and are making  
attempts through litigation. The Law Department manages all of the  
property damage claims so the Village is self-insured.  
Trustee Parakkat asked if the new $55K limit is permanent. Director  
Sproule said the Village will continue with its existing trend of budgeting  
based on the historical average.  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this  
Resolution be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 1 (“Building Code”)  
of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council  
Building Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
Development Customer Services Director Tammie Grossman presented  
all Items.  
Trustee Straw inquired about emergency generators in one and two-floor  
residences. Director Grossman responded that they are typically wanted  
for medical uses. Trustee Straw said he would like to see language  
included that all cook tops will be electric induction and he supports the  
EEC's recommendation of 1:5 ratio for EV parking spaces.  
Trustee Robinson inquired about benchmarking. Director Grossman  
responded that all government-owned buildings had to be in the  
benchmarking systems by June 1. The June 2024 date gives the Village  
time to complete the data collection to inform the stretch code process and  
discussion. Trustee Robinson said she is comfortable adopting the  
recommendations as written.  
Trustee Buchanan inquired if the Environment & Energy Commission made  
recommendations. Director Grossman responded that their  
recommendation was to increase the number of EV-ready charging  
stations for 1-5. Pete's Fresh Market will submit their building code prior to  
January 1, 2024. Regarding household appliances, Chief Building Official  
Steve Cutaia has the authority to determine whether or not any new  
technology meets the intent of the codes. CBO Cutaia said the  
gas-powered generators are connected to the building's gas line. There  
are also portable units available. Director Grossman said Nicor Gas  
provided information and did not lobby the Village.  
President Scaman inquired about the Building Code Advisory  
Commission's (BCAC) rationale for the 2:20 ratio for EV parking spaces.  
CBO Cutaia said it may have come from the drafted stretch code as a  
place to start. Director Grossman added that is the minimum and more can  
always be added. President Scaman said she would be comfortable with  
more EV stations. She inquired about the process if an individual required  
a gas generator for their home. Director Grossman said they would have to  
appeal the decision first to the CBO, then to the Department Director, then  
to the BCAC.  
Trustee Parakkat inquired when developer engagement will take place.  
Director Grossman responded that it will happen after the codes are  
adopted. He supports either the 2:20 or 1:5 ratio.  
Trustee Straw made a friendly amendment to add the EEC's  
recommendation of 1:5 ratio for EV parking spaces. Trustee Wesley  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this Ordinance  
be adopted as amended. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 2 (“Existing  
Building Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021  
International Existing Building Code as Recommended by the Building Code  
Advisory Commission  
It was moved by Trustee Robinson, seconded by Trustee Parakkat, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 3 (“Electric Code”)  
of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2020 National Electric Code as  
Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
It was moved by Trustee Parakkat, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 4 (“Mechanical  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Mechanical Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 5 (Fire Code) of the  
Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council Fire  
Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory Commission  
It was moved by Trustee Parakkat, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 6 (“Residential  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Residential Code as Recommended by the Building Code Advisory  
Trustee Straw moved to strike the provision allowing for emergency gas  
generators as a reason to have gas in the home. Trustee Buchanan  
seconded. The motion to amend failed. The roll call on the amendment vote  
was as follows: Ayes - Buchanan, Enyia, Straw. Nays - Scaman, Parakkat,  
Robinson, Wesley.  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this Ordinance  
be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 11 (“Fuel Gas  
Code”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code  
Council Fuel Gas Code as Recommended by the Building Advisory  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this  
Ordinance be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was  
as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Building”) of the Oak Park Village  
Code to Adopt a New Article 16 (“Energy Code”) to Adopt the 2021  
International Code Council Energy Code as Recommended by the Building  
Code Advisory Commission  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this Ordinance  
be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 (“Buildings”), Article 15 (“Pool Code”) of  
the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt the 2021 International Code Council  
Swimming Pool and Spa Code as recommended by the Building Code  
Advisory Commission.  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Wesley, that this Ordinance  
be adopted. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
XVII. Call to Board and Clerk  
Trustees Enyia, Wesley, Straw, and President Scaman expressed their  
appreciation to the Village and the community for the Juneteenth  
Trustee Straw acknowledged the upcoming Pride celebrations and  
ongoing gun violence prevention discussions.  
Trustee Parakkat wished the community a Happy Father's Day and said  
community safety is and will remain a priority.  
Trustee Buchanan said she is excited about the sustainability measures  
passed today and she dedicated the electrification ordinance to Mac  
President Scaman said the Village of Oak Park is the lead sponsor of  
Greentown which will be held at Triton College on Thursday. She will be  
receiving a "Bad Ass Woman" award from Senator Kimberly Lightford.  
XVIII. Adjourn  
It was moved by Trustee Parakkat, seconded by Trustee Straw, to Adjourn. A  
voice vote was taken and the motion was approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:48  
P.M., Tuesday, June 20, 2023.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Deputy Clerk Hansen