123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Agenda  
President and Board of Trustees  
Monday, September 11, 2023  
8:30 PM  
Village Hall  
Special Meeting at 8:30 p.m., in Council Chambers Room 201  
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Public comments may be made by  
individuals at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are reviewed. If  
you wish to make a statement, please complete the "Request to Address the Village  
Board" form which is available at the back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff  
table at front. When recognized, approach the podium, state your name first, and please  
limit your remarks to three minutes.  
Instructions for Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of a Village Board  
meeting for persons to make public comments about an issue or concern which is not  
on the meeting agenda. It is not intended to be a dialogue with the Board. Send a  
request to state your comments by 5:00 p.m. the day of the Village Board meeting to  
publiccomment@oak-park.us or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30 minutes with a limit of three minutes  
per comment. If comment requests exceed 30 minutes, public comment will resume  
after the items listed under the agenda are complete.  
Instructions for Agenda Public Comment  
Public comments are allowed for an agenda item. Persons are asked to email a request  
to speak during the meeting to publiccomment@oak-park.us no later than 5:00 p.m.  
prior to the start of the meeting or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Agenda public comment will be limited to three minutes per person per agenda item with  
a maximum of three agenda items to which you can speak. In addition, a maximum of  
five persons can speak to each side of any one topic that is scheduled for or has been  
the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body. These items are noted with  
I. Call to Order  
II. Roll Call  
III. Agenda Approval  
IV. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
V. Proclamation  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation Proclaiming Hispanic Heritage Month Annually  
on the 15th of September through the 15th of October.  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman proclaiming September 15th  
through October 15th as Hispanic Heritage Month annually.  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation in Honor of Dan Burke for his Service with the  
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman’s Proclamation honoring Dan  
Burke for his 45 years of service with HUD.  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation Proclaiming September 2023 as National  
Suicide Prevention + Action Month  
This is a motion to approve Village President Scaman proclaiming September 2023  
as National Suicide Prevention + Action Month.  
VI. Regular Agenda  
Presentation and Discussion on a Proposed Ordinance regarding Law Enforcement  
Surveillance Oversight to Promote Transparency and to Protect Civil Rights and Civil  
A motion has been made by Trustee Wesley and seconded by Trustee Robinson to  
review the Civic Information Systems Commission (“CISC”) recommendation  
related to the American Civil Liberties Union’s (“ACLU”) Community Control Over  
Police Surveillance (“CCOPS”) model Ordinance. The ACLU’s model Ordinance is  
intended to provide oversight of law enforcement technology to promote  
transparency and to protect civil rights and civil liberties. Attached with this item is  
a draft Ordinance from Village staff based on the ACLU’s model Ordinance and the  
CISC’s recommendation.  
VII. Adjourn