123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Minutes  
President and Board of Trustees  
Monday, September 11, 2023  
8:30 PM  
Village Hall  
I. Call to Order  
Village President Vicki Scaman called the Special Meeting to order at  
8:37 P.M.  
II. Roll Call  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
III. Agenda Approval  
It was moved by Trustee Straw, seconded by Trustee Robinson, to approve the  
Agenda. A voice vote was taken and the motion was approved.  
IV. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Caren van Slyke: 40-year resident, member of District 15 police station  
response team supporting 60 asylum seekers nearby. Asked Village  
Board to 1) help secure cooperation of local landlords, 2) identify a  
donation storage facility, and 3) apply for RFP for grants through  
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus.  
Celine Woznica: 31-year resident, member of District 15 response team.  
Urged Village Board to apply to the RFP and work together to develop and  
carry out a sustainable and systemic plan to address the migrant crisis.  
Village Clerk Christina Waters read the following public comment into the  
Betty Alzamora: Community organizer and immigration advocate in  
western suburbs. Urged Village Board to use its networks and community  
planning expertise. Will follow up with trustees to schedule a planning  
session in October.  
President Scaman said the Village Board intends to pursue the grant and  
the Village will follow up with the commenters regarding the timeline.  
V. Proclamation  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation Proclaiming September 2023 as National  
Suicide Prevention + Action Month  
President Scaman read the Proclamation into the record.  
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Metro Suburban Associate  
Executive Director Shelly Lustrup presented information about the  
organization and its services.  
President Scaman shared her personal experience taking a NAMI class.  
It was moved by Trustee Enyia, seconded by Trustee Parakkat, that this Motion  
be approved. A voice vote was taken and the motion was approved.  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation Proclaiming Hispanic Heritage Month Annually  
on the 15th of September through the 15th of October.  
Trustee Robinson read the Proclamation into the record.  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Robinson, that this Motion  
be approved. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
A Motion to Approve a Proclamation in Honor of Dan Burke for his Service with the  
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  
President Scaman read the Proclamation into the record. A video of the  
reading will be shared at Dan Burke's retirement party on September 15.  
It was moved by Trustee Wesley, seconded by Trustee Straw, that this Motion be  
approved. The motion was approved. The roll call on the vote was as follows:  
7 -  
Village President Scaman, Village Trustee Buchanan, Village Trustee Enyia, Village  
Trustee Parakkat, Village Trustee Robinson, Village Trustee Straw, and Village  
Trustee Wesley  
VI. Regular Agenda  
Presentation and Discussion on a Proposed Ordinance regarding Law Enforcement  
Surveillance Oversight to Promote Transparency and to Protect Civil Rights and Civil  
Village Manager Kevin Jackson introduced the Item and highlighted the  
coordination between staff and the Civic Information Systems Commission  
Village Attorney Paul Stephanides presented the Item.  
CISC Chair David Baker presented the commission's recommendation.  
Trustee Straw requested a definition of surveillance technology in Section  
19-6-1, A13 and requested to strike the provision in subsection 16.  
Attorney Stephanides responded that the Section 16 exception came from  
the Dayton ordinance for when there is inter-agency shared technology. He  
said the Village can look into limiting its scope.  
Trustee Straw referenced 17 and said the Village needs to be thoughtful  
about how "Village-owned facilities" are defined. Attorney Stephanides  
said he understands and this is more intended for the parking garages.  
Trustee Straw noted the exigent circumstances provisions under Section  
19-6-3 and requested the language be changed to something like "as soon  
as practically possible." He requested adding a proactive policy regarding  
the use of the technology in the future. Attorney Stephanides said he can  
craft some language.  
Trustee Parakkat said he supports this ordinance. He asked Police Chief  
Shatonya Johnson if she is comfortable with the exigencies and provisions,  
which Chief Johnson confirmed.  
Trustee Robinson inquired if the BerryDunn report recommended this type  
of reporting back on surveillance technology. Attorney Stephanides said he  
doesn't believe so because this is so new.  
Trustee Robinson noted the fiscal impact piece looks like a lot of work.  
Manager Jackson responded that the Village does not foresee any  
financial impact. Staff can try to quantify what the staffing impact might look  
like. President Scaman inquired about the nature of the staff time. Manager  
Jackson responded that he is referring to the delivery.  
Trustee Robinson noted there are some tight reporting timeframes. She  
referenced the recitals on the bottom of page 1 and suggested removing  
the word "sought" for being too vague. Attorney Stephanides confirmed  
that change can be made.  
Trustee Robinson wondered if the 30-day time period could instead start  
when the exigent circumstance begins. President Scaman inquired how the  
emergency alert system will play into this. Manager Jackson said he does  
not see a challenge with resetting the 30 days to start with the initiation of  
the exigent circumstance. The Village Board will hear from the Village  
Manager separate from the emergency alert system.  
President Scaman referenced the Highland Park July 4 shooting incident.  
Manager Jackson responded that the Village called Trustees and  
cancelled the fireworks in Oak Park. He said further discussion can happen  
at the meeting this Thursday to discuss protocols.  
Trustee Wesley requested if the ordinance could say something like "the  
Board would be notified pursuant to the policies or protocols in place."  
Manager Jackson confirmed that can be done. Trustee Wesley inquired if  
the Village currently has any surveillance technology that is unknown to the  
public. Chief Johnson confirmed the Village does not. Trustee Wesley  
noted a lot of the language is specific to the Police Department and not to  
the Village. Attorney Stephanides said he can review that language.  
Trustee Buchanan requested more detail for the section on exigent  
circumstances which includes "imminent danger of significant property  
damage." Chief Johnson responded that is more for things like terrorist  
acts and mass shootings and not for an individual. Attorney Stephanides  
said he will look at adding an adjective.  
Trustee Wesley noted that the Village is crafting systems that have to  
outlive the current police chief and trustees.  
Trustee Enyia reminded the Village to keep the residents first and let them  
be our guiding compass to think about these things.  
President Scaman noted it still falls on the Village Board to ensure  
community engagement and education and listening.  
VII. Adjourn  
It was moved by Trustee Parakkat, seconded by Trustee Straw, to Adjourn. A  
voice vote was taken and the motion was approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:51  
P.M., Monday, September 11, 2023.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Deputy Clerk Hansen