A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Services
Agreement with The Lakota Group, Inc. to prepare an Update to the
Roosevelt Road Plan, titled “A Plan for the Redevelopment of Roosevelt
Road - A Joint-Municipality Study of the Roosevelt Road Corridor” in
Collaboration with the City of Berwyn.
This agenda item is for the approval of a resolution regarding the hiring of a
planning consultant to perform an update to the Roosevelt Road plan which
was adopted by the Village Board in 2005. This project is in collaboration with
the City of Berwyn.
A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of One 2025 John Deere 320 P
Backhoe Loader from West Side Tractor Sales of Lisle, Illinois through
the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program in an amount not to exceed
$122,224.09 and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for the Purchase
The Fiscal Year 2025 Water and Sewer Vehicle Replacement Fund includes
the replacement of one (1) 2015 John Deere 310 HL Backhoe Loader to be
replaced with one (1) 2025 John Deere 320 P Backhoe Loader. This purchase
will be made through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Program, an opportunity
for agencies to leverage and pool resources for better pricing.
A Resolution Authorizing the Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount
of $1,811,680.00 for the Maintenance of Streets in the Village of Oak Park
for Fiscal Year 2025
The Village receives a monthly distribution of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds from
the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The Illinois Highway Code
requires that each municipality receiving MFT funds use those funds for the
limited purposes described in the Highway Code. This item is for those
approved uses related to the costs of labor and materials for construction and
maintenance of the public right of way. The Village is required to adopt a
Resolution that obligates its share of MFT funds to one or more of the approved
purposes set forth in the Highway Code.
A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Fire Station Construction and
Rehabilitation Grant Application to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal to
Rehabilitate Station 3 and Approval of any Subsequent Agreements and
Authorizing their Execution
Approval to apply for Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal, Fire Station
Construction and Rehabilitation Grant to offset some cost of approved
renovation of Station 3 (900 S. East Ave).
A Resolution To Adopt The Update Of The Cook County
Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCMJHMP) is
required to be updated every 5 years. Adoption of the CCMJHMP makes
participants eligible to apply for grant funds through the FEMA Hazard Mitigation
Assistance Program. FEMA requires that each participating partner adopt the
plan by resolution.