Trustee Straw inquired about the cost for three additional
firefighter/paramedics to the Oak Park Fire Department (OPFD). Chief
Ron Kobyleski said the first year cost for salary and benefits would be
$284,841. At the end of six years when they reach full pay, it would be
$433,257. Trustee Straw asked how many days of overtime are expected
to reduce with three additional firefighters. Chief Kobyleski said the last
12-month period had 248 days of overtime. Hiring three people would be
about 300 shifts. Trustee Straw said in the first year we would save around
$100K. CFO Gayden said the Village will look at that when it does the
strategic financial planning. She said she is not one that is willing to reduce
overtime because three additional people are hired because you don't
know what the future may hold. Due to the cost of benefits and pension, it is
often cheaper to offer overtime than hire people.
Manager Jackson said the Village has added six firefighters in the last few
years and put the third ambulance into operation since April. He said it
would be beneficial to accumulate at least a year's worth of data and doing
a deeper analysis of OPFD's operations and our overall financial situation
to identify how we want to address the needs of the department. Trustee
Straw inquired about the feasibility of doing a budget amendment for new
hires. CFO Gayden said if the Board wants to add something to the
budget, staff will say how it will be financed, and the Board will decide.
Trustee Parakkat said the Village had the same analysis last year where
we added three new firefighters. Overtime was brought down and then it
went back up. He said he thinks it makes sense to wait for the financial
analysis to understand the full implication and then make a decision.
Trustee Straw noted we actually spent over $1M in overtime last year
before three additional firefighters were hired.
Trustee Wesley asked if we have fewer firefighters now than in the past.
Chief Kobyleski confirmed and said in the 1970s we had 105 firefighters
and we now have 72. Trustee Wesley wondered how staffing levels are
determined for police and fire. Director Tchang said they are different
staffing models and the Village receives a much higher call volume to the
police department. The Village periodically conducts studies to understand
the optimal level of staffing from an external resource. Chief Johnson said
the BerryDunn report found our current police staffing levels (114) to be on
point with industry standards. Trustee Wesley said he would vote for three
additional firefighters. Manager Jackson said if the Board wishes to skip
the analysis, the staffing study, the long-term strategic financial planning,
and information we might gain about pension applications, we could do this
in isolation.
Trustee Robinson inquired about the $20K health department survey and
waiting until a new director is hired. Deputy Manager Lisa Shelley said the
cost of the survey was budgeted in 2024 but it has not been released yet.