123 Madison Street  
Oak Park, Illinois 60302  
Village of Oak Park  
Meeting Agenda  
President and Board of Trustees  
Tuesday, September 5, 2023  
7:00 PM  
Village Hall  
A Regular Meeting will start at 7:00 p.m., in Council Chambers (Room 201).  
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Public comments may be made by  
individuals at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items are reviewed. If  
you wish to make a statement, please complete the "Request to Address the Village  
Board" form which is available at the back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff  
table at front. When recognized, approach the podium, state your name first, and please  
limit your remarks to three minutes.  
Instructions for Non-Agenda Public Comment  
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of a Village Board  
meeting for persons to make public comments about an issue or concern which is not  
on the meeting agenda. It is not intended to be a dialogue with the Board. Send a  
request to state your comments by 5:00 p.m. the day of the Village Board meeting to  
publiccomment@oak-park.us or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30 minutes with a limit of three minutes  
per comment. If comment requests exceed 30 minutes, public comment will resume  
after the items listed under the agenda are complete.  
Instructions for Agenda Public Comment  
Public comments are allowed for an agenda item. Persons are asked to email a request  
to speak during the meeting to publiccomment@oak-park.us no later than 5:00 p.m.  
prior to the start of the meeting or make a request at the meeting with the Village Clerk.  
You may also call the Village Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m. prior to the meeting at  
708-358-5670 and you will be given instructions on how to participate during the meeting.  
Agenda public comment will be limited to three minutes per person per agenda item with  
a maximum of three agenda items to which you can speak. In addition, a maximum of  
five persons can speak to each side of any one topic that is scheduled for or has been  
the subject of a public hearing by a designated hearing body. These items are noted with  
I. Call to Order  
II. Roll Call  
III. Agenda Approval  
IV. Minutes  
Motion to Approve Minutes from Special Meeting of July 10, 2023, Special  
Meeting of July 11, 2023, Special Meeting of July 17, 2023 and Special  
Meeting of July 31, 2023 of the Village Board.  
This is a motion to approve the official minutes of meetings of the Village  
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment  
VI. Proclamation  
VII. Village Manager Reports  
Review of the Village Board Meeting Calendar for September, October,  
November and December 2023  
Calendars are presented for the purpose of highlighting the Special Meeting  
topics. These topics are based on adopted Village Board Goals and/or prior  
Village Board direction.  
Update Regarding Traffic Safety Improvements at the Intersection of Chicago  
Avenue and Scoville Avenue  
Per a request from Trustee Wesley and seconded by Trustee Straw, Village staff  
was directed to explore safety improvements at the intersection of Chicago  
Avenue and Scoville Avenue. This direction was in response to a traffic accident  
involving a bicyclist on August 21, 2023.  
VIII. Village Board Committees & Trustee Liaison Commission Reports  
This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved minutes from a recent  
Committee meeting of the Village Board, the minutes will be posted in this section.  
IX. Citizen Commission Vacancies  
This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens Involvement Commissions.  
Residents are encouraged to apply through the Village Clerk’s Office.  
Board & Commission Vacancy Report for September 5, 2023.  
X. Citizen Commission Appointments, Reappointments and Chair Appointments  
Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to the Village Clerk and  
then forwarded to the Village President for recommendation. If any appointments are  
ready prior to the meeting, the agenda will be revised to list the names.  
A Motion to Consent to the Village President’s Appointment of:  
Zoning Board of Appeals - David Brumirski, Reappoint as Member  
Zoning Board of Appeals - Mark Hansen, Reappoint as Member  
XI. Consent Agenda  
A Resolution Approving a Contract with Suburban Concrete, Inc. for  
Project 23-3, Sidewalk Improvements, in an Amount Not to Exceed  
$250,000 and Authorizing its Execution  
Competitive bids from two contractors were opened on September 17, 2023 for  
the Sidewalk Improvements Project. The low compliant bid was submitted by  
Suburban Concrete, Inc. in an amount of $253,300. The low bid is over the  
budgeted amount of $250,000 and it is therefore recommended to award the  
contract at the budgeted amount of $250,000 and reduce the scope of work to  
fit the budget amount.  
A Resolution Designating Byline Bank as a Village of Oak Park Depository  
and Investment Bank and Authorizing Investments Pursuant to the Illinois  
Public Funds Investment Act and the Village’s Investment Policy  
The Village is seeking to expand banking relationships by selecting additional  
financial institutions to invest in surplus reserves. Finance Department staff  
prepared a Request for Proposals for Investment Services, included in this  
agenda item herein, and a total of nine (9) proposals were submitted to the  
Village. Staff thoroughly reviewed each proposal and recommended entering  
into an investment banking relationship with Byline Bank, which has a local  
branch in Oak Park.  
A Resolution Designating Wintrust Bank as a Village of Oak Park  
Depository and Investment Bank and Authorizing Investments Pursuant to  
the Illinois Public Funds Investment Act and the Village’s Investment Policy  
The Village is seeking to expand banking relationships by selecting additional  
financial institutions to invest in surplus reserves. Finance Department staff  
prepared a Request for Proposals for Investment Services, included in this  
agenda item herein and nine (9) proposals were received. Staff thoroughly  
reviewed each proposal and is recommending entering into an investment  
banking relationship with Wintrust Bank which has a local branch in Oak Park.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Dumping of Excavated Materials  
Price Agreement with Waste Management of Illinois, Inc. to Change the Not to  
Exceed Amount from $150,000.00 to $230,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Water and Sewer Division of the Public Works Department disposes of  
approximately 2,500 tons of excavated materials per year from water and sewer  
repairs. The existing agreement allows for the disposal of the spoils at a local  
Waste Management transfer station. The Water & Sewer Division is expected to  
exceed the current contract amount for excavated material disposal since there has  
been an increase in material disposal and excavations.  
A Resolution Authorizing a Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Loan and  
a Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (SFR-099)  
The purpose of the Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation (SFR) Loan Program is  
to address and correct deteriorated and blighted homes throughout the Village.  
The eligible homeowner is requesting a deferred loan of $25,000.00 and a lead  
hazard reduction grant of $22,860.00 from the Village.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Renewal of the Independent  
Contractor Agreement with Construction by Camco, Inc. for the 2023 Water Service  
Line Replacement Program to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $200,000.00  
to $250,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
As residents replace their portion of the lead water service line with copper pipe,  
the Village will replace its side at no cost to the residents. Staff estimates that  
requested upgrades for Fiscal Year 2023 will exceed the initial renewal agreement  
amount. Staff therefore requests the not-to-exceed amount of the renewal  
agreement be amended to $250,000.00 to meet the upgrade requests for this year.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Purchase Price Agreement with  
Vulcan Construction Materials, LLC for Stone and Sand Materials to Change the Not  
to Exceed Amount from $30,000.00 to $50,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Water and Sewer Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for  
maintaining the water distribution and sewer collection systems in the Village. The  
Department annually seeks competitive bids for stone & sand materials. Due to the  
increase in the number and depth of a few of the excavations, the Water & Sewer  
Division is expected to exceed the original not to exceed purchase price agreement  
amount and is requesting an amendment.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Purchase Price Agreement with Core  
and Main LP for Materials for Repair of Water Mains and Sewers, Fire Hydrants,  
Water Services and Sewer Services to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from  
$50,000.00 to $65,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Water and Sewer Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for  
maintaining the water distribution and sewer collection systems in the Village. Due  
to an increase in excavations and fire hydrant repairs and replacements, the Water  
& Sewer Division is expected to exceed the original agreement amount. Staff is  
therefore requesting to amend the existing agreement to change the not to exceed  
amount to support necessary material purchases.  
A Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to the Independent Contractor  
Agreement with Command Mechanical Group, LLC to Provide Emergency  
Mechanical Repair and Maintenance Services for HVAC Systems at Village-owned  
Buildings to Change the Not to Exceed Amount from $25,000.00 to $40,000.00 and  
Authorizing its Execution.  
The existing agreement with Command Mechanical Group, LLC requires additional  
funds to complete needed repairs to the Village Hall Council Chambers Geothermal  
HVAC System. Staff therefore recommends amending the existing agreement to  
change the not-to-exceed amount to support this work.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Midwest  
Services and Development Corp. for the North Fire Station Emergency Egress  
Construction Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $76,650.00 and Authorizing its  
The North Fire Station currently does not have a point of egress on the second floor  
where the living quarters are located and there is only one stairway leading down  
to the main floor where exits are located. This is a life safety issue as the bunk  
room and kitchen are directly above the fire apparatus floor. In case of a fire on the  
apparatus floor, there would be no emergency exit available for staff.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Allied Garage  
Door, Inc. for the Public Works Center Exterior Door Replacement Project in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $38,388.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Public Works Center has various exterior metal doors original to the building  
that are in poor condition. Staff proposes an agreement with Allied Garage Door,  
Inc. to replace multiple exterior doors at the Public Works Center.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Advanced  
Plumbing Corp. for the 2023 CDBG Water Service Line Replacement Program, in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $75,000.00 and Authorizing its Execution  
This project includes the replacement of the private property portion of lead  
potable water service lines at pre-approved locations in the Village. Federal  
Community Development Block Grant Funds will be utilized to complete the work  
at qualifying properties meeting the “below median income” requirements that  
have also had the Village side of the service replaced with copper. The low  
responsible bidder was Advanced Plumbing Corp. of Highland Park, Illinois.  
A Resolution Authorizing an Independent Contractor Agreement with J. Gill & Co.  
for Maintenance Repairs of the Village’s Holley Court, The Avenue, and Oak Park &  
River Forest High School Parking Structures, in an Amount Not to Exceed  
$1,596,865.00 and Authorizing Its Execution  
This contract provides for completion of needed and identified maintenance  
repairs at the Village’s Holley Court, The Avenue and Oak Park & River Forest High  
School Community Parking Garages, through the remainder of 2023 and 2024. These  
maintenance repairs were identified in the Village’s five-year parking garage  
condition assessment and will be completed pursuant to the construction  
documents prepared by the Village’s consultant, Walker Consultants, with the goal  
of extending the useful life of the parking structures and addressing any building  
safety concerns that were identified.  
A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Three 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police  
Interceptor Vehicles with Police Package, from Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois  
in an Amount Not to Exceed $137,919.72 and Waiving the Village’s Bid Process for  
the Purchase  
Three (3) 2023 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor vehicles were made available  
to the Village of Oak Park by Currie Motors after their purchase was canceled by  
another municipality. These three units will be replacing three of the six 2022 Ford  
Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor vehicles that were canceled in 2022 by the  
A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Settlement Agreement in Cook County  
Circuit Court Case Number 2021 CH 00988  
It is requested that the Village Board authorize the execution of a settlement  
agreement in Cook County Circuit Court Case Number 2021 CH 00988.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Newcastle  
Electric, Inc. for Scada Cabinet Replacement in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,350.00  
and Authorizing Its Execution  
The Central Pumping Station (CPS) Supervisory Controls and Data Acquisition  
(SCADA) Cabinet controls all of the automatic operations for the CPS and the alarm  
notifications for all three (3) pumping stations. The current system is at its end of  
life and is considered obsolete by the manufacturer. Staff proposes an  
Independent Contractor Agreement with Newcastle Electric to replace the existing  
cabinet and hardware.  
A Resolution Approving a Task Order for Professional Engineering Services with  
Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for a Lead Service Line Replacement Plan and Public  
Education Development & Notification Strategy, in an Amount Not to Exceed  
$41,300 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Water & Sewer Division requested a proposal from Baxter & Woodman to assist  
with developing an Initial Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (LSLRP) that is due to  
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) on April 15, 2024. The  
requirement is part of the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification  
Act that went into law on January 1, 2022. Baxter & Woodman will also provide a  
Public Education & Notification Strategy that is required by the new law.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to the Task Order for Professional  
Engineering Services with Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. for Design and  
Construction Engineering Services for Alley Improvements in 2023 to Change the  
Not to Exceed Amount from $281,312 to $304,480 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Village of Oak Park received a grant award of $500,000 from the Metropolitan  
Water Reclamation District (MWRD) for their Green Infrastructure Partnership  
Program for the construction of four (4) permeable alleys and Parking Lot 10 for  
construction in 2024. Edwin Hancock is currently designing the 2024 alleys. An  
amendment to the Task Order is needed in order for Hancock to design these  
additional permeable alleys.  
A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the  
Village of Oak Park and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater  
Chicago for the Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of the Green  
Alleys and Parking Lot 10 Project in Oak Park, Illinois and Authorizing its Execution  
In 2022, the Village applied for Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)  
grant funding to help fund the construction of permeable alleys and Parking Lot 10.  
The Village of Oak Park recently received notice of award of $500,000 from MWRD  
for their Green Infrastructure Partnership Program for construction of four (4)  
permeable alleys and Parking Lot 10 in 2024. The Intergovernmental Agreement  
(IGA) defines the terms and conditions of the funding program.  
A Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to the Professional Services  
Agreement with Terra Engineering, Ltd. for the Design of the Oak Park Avenue  
Resurfacing, Utility, and Streetscape Projects to Change the Not to Exceed Amount  
from $1,010,958 to $1,214,548 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Village has been working with Terra Engineering for the conceptual design of  
the proposed streetscape project on Oak Park Avenue in the Hemingway Business  
District. As discussed at the March 6, 2023, Village Board meeting, there are  
additional costs associated with the revised public engagement strategy and the  
use of a steering committee to develop recommendations for the project’s scope  
as well as additional costs associated with expanding the project’s scope to include  
the alley adjacent to the Avenue Garage, grant support, and additional meetings  
beyond what was originally anticipated.  
A Resolution Approving an Amendment to a Contract with Cerniglia Co. for Project  
23-1, Sewer and Water Main Improvements, to Change the Not to Exceed Amount  
from $3,119,566 to $3,279,200 and Authorizing its Execution  
The Village received numerous reports of sewer backups on Hayes Avenue north of  
Augusta Street as a result of the July 2, 2023 rain event. In order to improve the  
sewer capacity of Hayes, staff recommends installing an overflow sewer on  
Augusta from Hayes to Taylor. Augusta is currently under construction as part of  
Project 23-1, Sewer and Water Main Improvements and this is the best opportunity  
to build this sewer at the lowest cost and with the least amount of disruption. .End  
An Ordinance Updating and Replacing the Map Codified as Part of Section  
15-1-26 of the Oak Park Village Code to Reflect the Village’s Current Time  
Restrictions, Time Limits, and Prohibited Parking Areas  
Based on recent Transportation Commission recommendations and Board  
approval, staff presents the Village’s Daytime Parking Restrictions Map to the  
Village Board for codification. This proposed map identifies all existing  
on-street daytime parking restrictions, inclusive of all approved changes to  
An Ordinance Granting an Extension of the Waiver and Suspension of the Right of  
Way Obstruction Permit Fee and Parking Obstruction Fee for the Planned  
Development at 7 Van Buren Street through May 31, 2024  
Demolition and construction activities related to the Oak Park Residence  
Corporation’s 7 Van Buren Planned Development require the obstruction of Village  
Parking Lot 25V to allow for material staging and construction administration. The  
applicant was granted a waiver of the Right of Way Obstruction Permit Fee and  
Parking Meter Obstruction Fee by the Village Board from August 1, 2022, to July 31,  
2023, and is now requesting an extension of this waiver through May 31, 2024.  
A Motion to Approve the July 2023 Monthly Treasurer’s Report for All Funds  
The unaudited July 31, 2023, report is hereby presented pursuant to 65 ILCS  
5/3.1-35-45, summarizing the Village’s cash and investment balances.  
A Motion to Approve the Bills in the Amount of $11,593,089.49 from July 7, 2023,  
through August 24, 2023.  
Attached is the regular list of bills paid through the Village’s accounts payable  
system for the period beginning July 7, 2023, through August 24, 2023. Also attached  
is the July 2023 payroll summary report.  
A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission’s  
Recommendation to add “On-Street Overnight Permit Parking from 10 PM  
to 6 AM” on the 100 block of North Elmwood Avenue (from Lake Street to  
the East Alley)  
The Village received a petition signed by 75% of the residents of 126-132 N.  
Elmwood to add “On-Street Overnight Permit Parking from 10 PM to 6 AM” to  
the east side of the 100 block of N. Elmwood Avenue (from Lake Street to the  
East alley). This would establish approximately four (4) on-street overnight  
permit parking spaces.  
A Motion to Concur with the Transportation Commission’s  
Recommendations for Traffic Calming at the Clarence Avenue and Adams  
Street Intersection  
At the June 13, 2023 Transportation Commission (TC) meeting, the Commission  
reviewed a traffic calming petition for the intersection of Clarence Avenue and  
Adams Street to address vehicles speeding on Adams Street. The TC  
recommended installing high visibility crosswalk markings on the east and  
west legs of Adams Street, installing speed limit signs on Adams Street,  
moving existing “No Parking Here to Corner” signs to be consistent with Illinois  
Vehicle Code, deploying temporary radar speed feedback signs, and targeted  
XII. Regular Agenda  
Presentation and Discussion on Municipal Options for Blending Renewable Energy  
within Retail Supply and Aggregation Contracts  
A presentation from Mark Pruitt, principal of the Power Bureau, the Village’s  
consultant for services related to the Village's municipal aggregation and  
renewable energy programs, on options available to municipalities seeking to  
purchase renewable energy. This report will include options for the municipal  
aggregation (Community Choice Aggregation) program.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 (“Administration”), Article 36 (“Aging in  
Place”), Section 2-36-1 (“Establishment; Composition; Definition”) and  
Section 2-36-2 (“Duties”) of the Oak Park Village Code  
The Village of Oak Park Aging in Place Commission is recommending multiple  
changes to the enabling ordinance (Chapter 2, Article 36 of the Village Code)  
that originally established the Commission. The recommended changes  
include a name adjustment for the Commission, the removal of the current  
requirement that all Commission members be fifty-five years of age or older  
and making other wording changes that utilize and support the term, “aging in  
Concur with the Plan Commission and Adopt an Ordinance Granting a  
Special Use Permit for a Major Planned Development Containing a  
Four-Story Educational Institution Building Addition at the Property  
Located at 201 North Scoville Avenue  
The Oak Park River Forest High School District 200 is proposing to construct a  
new four-story - 107,935 square foot replacement addition to the southeast  
corner of the high school building for athletic and theater related uses. This is  
project 2 of the District’s IMAGINE Master Plan.  
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 (“Motor Vehicles & Traffic”), Article 5  
(“Schedule of Fines and Penalties for Certain Minor Traffic Violations, Parking and  
Vehicle License Violations”), Section 15-5-5 (“Specific Violation of the Illinois  
Vehicle Code Adopted by Reference”) of the Oak Park Village Code to Adopt By  
Reference 625 ILCS 5/11-1308 (“Unauthorized Use of Parking Places Reserved for  
Electric Vehicles”)  
The proposed Ordinance amends the Village Code to adopt a provision of the  
Illinois Vehicle Code, prohibiting non-electric vehicles from parking in spaces  
reserved for electric vehicle charging and allowing violators to be cited accordingly  
by the Oak Park Police Department.  
A Resolution Approving a Purchase Price Agreement with US Digital  
Designs, Inc. for the Purchase of Phoenix G2 Automated Fire Station  
Alerting System Equipment for the Station 1 Bunk Room Project in an  
Amount Not to Exceed $44,076.00, Authorizing its Execution and Waiving  
the Village’s Bid Process for the Agreement  
The equipment for the automated fire station alerting system, including  
hardware, support, and warranty service, needs to be modified as part of the  
station one bunkroom upgrade project to ensure the current system continues  
to perform at maximum efficiency. This selected equipment is proprietary in  
design, and therefore staff recommends waiving the Village’s bid process to  
use US Digital Designs as the sole provider.  
A Resolution Approving an Independent Contractor Agreement with Midwest  
Services and Development Corp. for the Main Fire Station Bunk Room Renovations  
Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $319,200.00, Authorizing its Execution and  
Directing Staff to Prepare the Necessary Budget Amendment  
The Main Fire Station currently has a bunk room that is original to the building  
construction and does not have accommodations for female staff. Staff  
recommends an Independent Contractor Agreement with Midwest Services and  
Development Corp. for renovation of the Main Fire Station Bunk Room.  
XIII. Call to Board and Clerk  
XIV. Adjourn