Submitted By
Cara Pavlicek, Village Manager
Agenda Item Title
Presentation and Discussion Regarding the Parking Fund
A brief presentation and discussion of the revenues and expenses related to parking operations is scheduled.
Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments
As part of the annual budget process, the Parking Fund revenues and expenses will be formally reviewed and adopted. In addition, it is anticipated that the holistic review of parking will inform the recommended FY18 Budget.
The Village has classified the Parking Fund as an Enterprise Fund and by definition the revenues are expected to be sufficient to cover the expenses associated with the Parking Fund. An Enterprise Fund is a business type activity where on the users are charged for the services and property tax revenues are not used to support the operating costs. Supporting financial documents are attached.
Parking space is a scarce resource in the Village which was fully developed by the 1930's before the numbers of vehicles had reached today's levels. Oak Park's population density impacts parking availability. As a result, available spaces - on and off street - are managed by Parking and Mobility Services. In general, the Village's parking system consists of:
* Hourly parking at meters and in public parking garages
* Parking permits for residents only on street and in enclaves
* Parking permits in parking lots and public parking garages
* Car Sharing and Divvy Bike Sharing Services
It is important to note that some Village activities associated with Parking Services are not a part of the enterprise fund activities, for example, vehicles stickers and parking citations relation activities.
Specifically, the Parking and Mobility Services staff administers vehicle sticker sales for simplified customer services, however, the General Fund, via a budget transfer funds the proportionate share of the costs and all revenue...
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