
Regular Village Board meetings are typically held at 7:00 p.m., the first three Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of Village Hall (room 201), 123 Madison St. When a Regular Meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting typically is held the following night. The Village Board also meets in special sessions from time to time. However, dates and times of Special Meetings can vary and may change.

File #: ORD 23-29    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: President and Board of Trustees
On agenda: 5/15/2023 Final action: 5/15/2023
Title: An Ordinance Granting an Extension of Time to Complete Construction of the Planned Development at 715-717 South Boulevard (Residences of South Boulevard) to November 30, 2023
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Extension request, 3. ORD 22-53, 4. ORD 22-15, 5. ORD 21-28, 6. ORD 20-22, 7. ORD 18-398, 8. ORD 17-174- Residence of So. Blvd., 9. ORD 23-29(Final).pdf

Submitted By                     

Tammie Grossman, Development Customer Services Director 


Reviewed By

A.M. Zayyad, Deputy Village Manager


Agenda Item Title


An Ordinance Granting an Extension of Time to Complete Construction of the Planned Development at 715-717 South Boulevard (Residences of South Boulevard) to November 30, 2023





717 South Boulevard, LLC is requesting approval of an extension of its planned development ordinance deadline to allow additional time to finish construction of the multi-unit residential condominium building constructed at 715-717 South Boulevard. This is the sixth request to extend the development’s timeline.





Approve the Ordinance to allow an extension of time for the completion of construction.  The applicant is requesting an additional six (6) months from May 31, 2023, to November 30, 2023, as stated in the attached request letter.  Staff would support the extension as the developer has contracted with a broker and is actively marketing the units.


Fiscal Impact




The Zoning Ordinance at the time of Planned Development approval stated in Article 14; Section 14.5(G) 2&3 that an approval of a planned development permit by the Board of Trustees shall be null and void if the recipient does not file an application for a building permit for the proposed development within nine months after the date of adoption of the Zoning Ordinance approving the development permit; commence construction within eighteen (18) months, and complete the project within thirty-six (36) months.  Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance allows the Village Board to grant an extension of time, provided the applicant shows good cause in writing.


The Applicant has indicated that additional time is necessary, as stated in the attached letter dated April 17, 2023, attached hereto. Ordinance Number 17-174, approved by the Village Board on March 6, 2017, authorized the construction of a multiple-unit residential development with private parking.  As of this writing, the development of the site is considerably underway.  A building permit application was submitted, per the required deadline.  The Developer is now requesting a sixth extension for the completion date associated with the planned development until November 30, 2023, in order to finish the development.  The Developer has provided an update on construction activity each month since the last Village Board approval in September 2022.  Each update was verified by the Village’s Chief Building Officer via an onsite inspection. The Developer has shown steady progress toward the completion of the project.  As indicated above and mentioned in the monthly updates, the Developer has contracted with a broker and is actively marketing the units.




The alternative would be to deny the request, which could make the planned development ordinance null and void.


Previous Board Action

On September 6, 2022, the Village Board approved ORD 22-53 permitting an extension for construction completion ending May 31, 2023.

On March 7, 2022, the Village Board approved ORD 22-15 permitting an extension for construction completion ending August 31, 2022.


On March 15, 2021, the Village Board approved ORD 21-28 permitting an extension for construction completion ending March 1, 2022.


On June 1, 2020, the Village Board approved ORD 20-022 permitting an extension for construction completion ending March 9, 2021, and waving and suspending the obstruction permit fees and parking meter fees until the end of construction.


On June 3, 2019, the Village Board approved ORD 19-49 waving and suspending the obstruction permit fees and parking meter fees for fiscal year 2019.


On September 4, 2018, the Village Board approved ORD 18-398 permitting a delay in starting construction of the project.  Originally, the project was to begin by September 6, 2018, and approval of ORD 18-398 extended that deadline date to March 30, 2019.


On March 6, 2017, the Village Board approved ORD 17-174 permitting the construction of the Residence of South Boulevard condominium planned development project at 715-717 South Boulevard.


Citizen Advisory Commission Action

Plan Commission hearings were held on December 15, 2016, and January 19, 2017.


Anticipated Future Actions/Commitments



Intergovernmental Cooperation Opportunities

Zoning and land use matters are unique to the Village government within the corporate limits of Oak Park and therefore, intergovernmental cooperation opportunities do not exist.